Source code for espressomd.interactions

# Copyright (C) 2013-2025 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import abc
import enum
from . import code_features
from .script_interface import ScriptObjectMap, ScriptInterfaceHelper, script_interface_register

[docs] class NonBondedInteraction(ScriptInterfaceHelper, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Represents an instance of a non-bonded interaction, such as Lennard-Jones. Methods ------- deactivate() Reset parameters for the interaction. """ _so_bind_methods = ("deactivate",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): code_features.assert_features(self.__class__.__dict__["_so_feature"]) if "sip" in kwargs: super().__init__(**kwargs) else: params = self.default_params() params.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**params) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.get_params()})'
[docs] def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Set new parameters. """ params = self.default_params() params.update(kwargs) err_msg = f"setting {self.__class__.__name__} raised an error" self.call_method("set_params", handle_errors_message=err_msg, **params)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def default_params(self): pass
[docs] @script_interface_register class LennardJonesInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """ Standard 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sigma : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. shift : :obj:`float` or :obj:`str` {'auto'} Constant shift of the potential. If ``'auto'``, a default value is computed from ``sigma`` and ``cutoff``. The LJ potential will be shifted by :math:`4\\epsilon\\cdot\\text{shift}`. offset : :obj:`float`, optional Offset distance of the interaction. min : :obj:`float`, optional Restricts the interaction to a minimal distance. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionLJ" _so_feature = "LENNARD_JONES"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"offset": 0., "min": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class WCAInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """ Standard 6-12 Weeks-Chandler-Andersen potential. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sigma : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionWCA" _so_feature = "WCA"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
@property def cutoff(self): return self.call_method("get_cutoff")
[docs] @script_interface_register class GenericLennardJonesInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """ Generalized Lennard-Jones potential. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sigma : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. shift : :obj:`float` or :obj:`str` {'auto'} Constant shift of the potential. If ``'auto'``, a default value is computed from the other parameters. The LJ potential will be shifted by :math:`\\epsilon\\cdot\\text{shift}`. offset : :obj:`float` Offset distance of the interaction. e1 : :obj:`int` Exponent of the repulsion term. e2 : :obj:`int` Exponent of the attraction term. b1 : :obj:`float` Prefactor of the repulsion term. b2 : :obj:`float` Prefactor of the attraction term. delta : :obj:`float`, optional ``LJGEN_SOFTCORE`` parameter delta. Allows control over how smoothly the potential drops to zero as lambda approaches zero. lam : :obj:`float`, optional ``LJGEN_SOFTCORE`` parameter lambda. Tune the strength of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionLJGen" _so_feature = "LENNARD_JONES_GENERIC"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ if code_features.has_features("LJGEN_SOFTCORE"): return {"delta": 0., "lam": 1.} return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class LennardJonesCosInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Lennard-Jones cosine interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set or update parameters for the interaction. Parameters marked as required become optional once the interaction has been activated for the first time; subsequent calls to this method update the existing values. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sigma : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. offset : :obj:`float`, optional Offset distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionLJcos" _so_feature = "LJCOS"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"offset": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class LennardJonesCos2Interaction(NonBondedInteraction): """Second variant of the Lennard-Jones cosine interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sigma : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. offset : :obj:`float`, optional Offset distance of the interaction. width : :obj:`float` Width of interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionLJcos2" _so_feature = "LJCOS2"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"offset": 0.}
@property def cutoff(self): return self.call_method("get_cutoff")
[docs] @script_interface_register class HatInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Hat interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- F_max : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionHat" _so_feature = "HAT"
[docs] def default_params(self): return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class GayBerneInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Gay--Berne interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- eps : :obj:`float` Potential well depth. sig : :obj:`float` Interaction range. cut : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. k1 : :obj:`float` or :obj:`str` Molecular elongation. k2 : :obj:`float`, optional Ratio of the potential well depths for the side-by-side and end-to-end configurations. mu : :obj:`float`, optional Adjustable exponent. nu : :obj:`float`, optional Adjustable exponent. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionGayBerne" _so_feature = "GAY_BERNE"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class TabulatedNonBonded(NonBondedInteraction): """Tabulated interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- min : :obj:`float` The minimal interaction distance. max : :obj:`float` The maximal interaction distance. energy: array_like of :obj:`float` The energy table. force: array_like of :obj:`float` The force table. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionTabulated" _so_feature = "TABULATED"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
[docs] def set_analytical(self, dist_param="r", **kwargs): """ Set new parameters from a function :math:`f(r)` that evaluates the force magnitude for a given inter-particle distance :math:`r`. Parameters ---------- min : :obj:`float` The minimal interaction distance. max : :obj:`float` The maximal interaction distance. energy_expr: :obj:`str` or :obj:`sympy.Expr` or :obj:`sympy.Piecewise` Analytical expression for the inter-atomic potential. dist_param: :obj:`str` or :obj:`sympy.Symbol`, optional Symbol for the inter-particle distance variable in ``energy_expr``. steps: :obj:`int` Number of values in the force and energy arrays. \\*\\*kwargs: All mathematical constants that appear in ``energy_expr``. Argument names are used as symbols. """ import sympy as sp import numpy as np min_val = kwargs.pop("min") max_val = kwargs.pop("max") steps = kwargs.pop("steps") expression = kwargs.pop("energy_expr") if isinstance(expression, (sp.Expr, sp.Piecewise)): energy = expression.copy() if type(energy) is sp.Expr: assert len(energy.args) == 1 energy = energy.args[0].copy() elif isinstance(expression, str): energy = sp.sympify(expression) else: raise TypeError("Parameter 'energy_expr' isn't sympy-compatible") if isinstance(dist_param, str): r = sp.symbols(dist_param) elif isinstance(dist_param, sp.Symbol): r = dist_param else: raise TypeError("Parameter 'dist_param' isn't sympy-compatible") if r not in energy.free_symbols: raise ValueError( f"Parameter 'energy_expr' isn't a function of '{r}'") for var, value in kwargs.items(): symbol = sp.symbols(var) if symbol not in energy.free_symbols: raise ValueError( f"Parameter '{var}' isn't a constant in 'energy_expr'") energy = energy.subs(symbol, value) def evaluate_tab(expr, xdata): tabulated = [] for x in xdata: result = expr.subs(r, x) assert not result.has(sp.oo, sp.nan) tabulated.append(float(result)) return tabulated force = -energy.diff(r) xdata = np.linspace(min_val, max_val, steps) energy_tab = evaluate_tab(energy, xdata) force_tab = evaluate_tab(force, xdata) self.set_params(min=min_val, max=max_val, energy=energy_tab, force=force_tab)
@property def cutoff(self): return self.call_method("get_cutoff")
[docs] @script_interface_register class DPDInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """DPD interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- weight_function : :obj:`int`, {0, 1} The distance dependence of the parallel part, either 0 (constant) or 1 (linear) gamma : :obj:`float` Friction coefficient of the parallel part k : :obj:`float` Exponent in the modified weight function r_cut : :obj:`float` Cutoff of the parallel part trans_weight_function : :obj:`int`, {0, 1} The distance dependence of the orthogonal part, either 0 (constant) or 1 (linear) trans_gamma : :obj:`float` Friction coefficient of the orthogonal part trans_r_cut : :obj:`float` Cutoff of the orthogonal part """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionDPD" _so_feature = "DPD"
[docs] def default_params(self): return { "weight_function": 0, "gamma": 0.0, "k": 1.0, "r_cut": -1.0, "trans_weight_function": 0, "trans_gamma": 0.0, "trans_r_cut": -1.0}
[docs] @script_interface_register class SmoothStepInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Smooth step interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- d : :obj:`float` Short range repulsion parameter. n : :obj:`int`, optional Exponent of short range repulsion. eps : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the second (soft) repulsion. k0 : :obj:`float`, optional Exponential factor in second (soft) repulsion. sig : :obj:`float`, optional Length scale of second (soft) repulsion. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionSmoothStep" _so_feature = "SMOOTH_STEP"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"n": 10, "k0": 0., "sig": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class BMHTFInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """BMHTF interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- a : :obj:`float` Magnitude of exponential part of the interaction. b : :obj:`float` Exponential factor of the interaction. c : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the term decaying with the sixth power of r. d : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the term decaying with the eighth power of r. sig : :obj:`float` Shift in the exponent. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionBMHTF" _so_feature = "BMHTF_NACL"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class MorseInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Morse interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- eps : :obj:`float` The magnitude of the interaction. alpha : :obj:`float` Stiffness of the Morse interaction. rmin : :obj:`float` Distance of potential minimum cutoff : :obj:`float`, optional Cutoff distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionMorse" _so_feature = "MORSE"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"cutoff": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class BuckinghamInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Buckingham interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- a : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the exponential part of the interaction. b : :obj:`float`, optional Exponent of the exponential part of the interaction. c : :obj:`float` Prefactor of term decaying with the sixth power of distance. d : :obj:`float` Prefactor of term decaying with the fourth power of distance. discont : :obj:`float` Distance below which the potential is linearly continued. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. shift: :obj:`float`, optional Constant potential shift. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionBuckingham" _so_feature = "BUCKINGHAM"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"b": 0., "shift": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class SoftSphereInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Soft sphere interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- a : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. n : :obj:`float` Exponent of the power law. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. offset : :obj:`float`, optional Offset distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionSoftSphere" _so_feature = "SOFT_SPHERE"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {"offset": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class HertzianInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Hertzian interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- eps : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the interaction. sig : :obj:`float` Interaction length scale. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionHertzian" _so_feature = "HERTZIAN"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class GaussianInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Gaussian interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- eps : :obj:`float` Overlap energy epsilon. sig : :obj:`float` Variance sigma of the Gaussian interaction. cutoff : :obj:`float` Cutoff distance of the interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionGaussian" _so_feature = "GAUSSIAN"
[docs] def default_params(self): """Python dictionary of default parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class TholeInteraction(NonBondedInteraction): """Thole interaction. Methods ------- set_params() Set new parameters for the interaction. Parameters ---------- scaling_coeff : :obj:`float` The factor used in the Thole damping function between polarizable particles i and j. Usually calculated by the polarizabilities :math:`\\alpha_i`, :math:`\\alpha_j` and damping parameters :math:`a_i`, :math:`a_j` via :math:`s_{ij} = \\frac{(a_i+a_j)/2}{((\\alpha_i\\cdot\\alpha_j)^{1/2})^{1/3}}` q1q2: :obj:`float` Charge factor of the involved charges. Has to be set because it acts only on the portion of the Drude core charge that is associated to the dipole of the atom. For charged, polarizable atoms that charge is not equal to the particle charge property. """ _so_name = "Interactions::InteractionThole" _so_feature = "THOLE"
[docs] def default_params(self): return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class NonBondedInteractionHandle(ScriptInterfaceHelper): """ Provides access to all non-bonded interactions between two particle types. """ _so_name = "Interactions::NonBondedInteractionHandle"
[docs] def reset(self): self.call_method("reset")
[docs] @script_interface_register class NonBondedInteractions(ScriptInterfaceHelper): """ Access to non-bonded interaction parameters via ``[i,j]``, where ``i, j`` are particle types. Returns a :class:`NonBondedInteractionHandle` object. Methods ------- reset() Reset all interaction parameters to their default values. """ _so_name = "Interactions::NonBondedInteractions" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" _so_bind_methods = ("reset",) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.call_method("get_handle", key=key)
[docs] class BondedInteraction(ScriptInterfaceHelper, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for bonded interactions. Either called with an interaction id, in which case the interaction will represent the bonded interaction as it is defined in ESPResSo core, or called with keyword arguments describing a new interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::BondedInteraction" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" def __init__(self, **kwargs): feature = self.__class__.__dict__.get("_so_feature") if feature is not None: code_features.assert_features(feature) if "sip" in kwargs: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._ctor_params = self.get_params() self._bond_id = -1 else: params = self.get_default_params() params.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**params) self._ctor_params = params self._bond_id = -1 def __setattr__(self, attr, value): super().__setattr__(attr, value) @property def params(self): return self.get_params() @params.setter def params(self, p): raise RuntimeError("Bond parameters are immutable.") def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._ctor_params})'
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ pass
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self}>' def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.call_method( "is_same_bond", bond=other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] @script_interface_register class FeneBond(BondedInteraction): """ FENE bond. Parameters ---------- k : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the bond interaction. d_r_max : :obj:`float` Maximum stretch and compression length of the bond. r_0 : :obj:`float`, optional Equilibrium bond length. """ _so_name = "Interactions::FeneBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.FENE
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {"r_0": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class HarmonicBond(BondedInteraction): """ Harmonic bond. Parameters ---------- k : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the bond interaction. r_0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond length. r_cut : :obj:`float`, optional Maximum distance beyond which the bond is considered broken. """ _so_name = "Interactions::HarmonicBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.HARMONIC
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {"r_cut": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class BondedCoulomb(BondedInteraction): """ Bonded Coulomb bond. Parameters ---------- prefactor : :obj:`float` Coulomb prefactor of the bonded Coulomb interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::BondedCoulomb" _so_feature = "ELECTROSTATICS" _type_number = BONDED_IA.BONDED_COULOMB
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class BondedCoulombSRBond(BondedInteraction): """ Bonded Coulomb short range bond. Calculates the short range part of Coulomb interactions. Parameters ---------- q1q2 : :obj:`float` Charge factor of the involved particle pair. Note the particle charges are used to allow e.g. only partial subtraction of the involved charges. """ _so_name = "Interactions::BondedCoulombSR" _so_feature = "ELECTROSTATICS" _type_number = BONDED_IA.BONDED_COULOMB_SR
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class ThermalizedBond(BondedInteraction): """ Thermalized bond. Parameters ---------- temp_com : :obj:`float` Temperature of the Langevin thermostat for the center of mass of the particle pair. gamma_com: :obj:`float` Friction coefficient of the Langevin thermostat for the center of mass of the particle pair. temp_distance: :obj:`float` Temperature of the Langevin thermostat for the distance vector of the particle pair. gamma_distance: :obj:`float` Friction coefficient of the Langevin thermostat for the distance vector of the particle pair. r_cut: :obj:`float`, optional Maximum distance beyond which the bond is considered broken. """ _so_name = "Interactions::ThermalizedBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.THERMALIZED_DIST
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {"r_cut": 0.}
[docs] @script_interface_register class RigidBond(BondedInteraction): """ Rigid bond. Parameters ---------- r : :obj:`float` Bond length. ptol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance for positional deviations. vtop : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance for velocity deviations. """ _so_name = "Interactions::RigidBond" _so_feature = "BOND_CONSTRAINT" _type_number = BONDED_IA.RIGID_BOND
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ # TODO rationality of Default Parameters has to be checked return {"ptol": 0.001, "vtol": 0.001}
[docs] @script_interface_register class Dihedral(BondedInteraction): """ Dihedral potential with phase shift. Parameters ---------- mult : :obj:`int` Multiplicity of the potential (number of minima). bend : :obj:`float` Bending constant. phase : :obj:`float` Angle of the first local minimum in radians. """ _so_name = "Interactions::DihedralBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.DIHEDRAL
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class TabulatedDistance(BondedInteraction): """ Tabulated bond length. Parameters ---------- min : :obj:`float` The minimal interaction distance. max : :obj:`float` The maximal interaction distance. energy: array_like of :obj:`float` The energy table. force: array_like of :obj:`float` The force table. """ _so_name = "Interactions::TabulatedDistanceBond" _so_feature = "TABULATED" _type_number = BONDED_IA.TABULATED_DISTANCE
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class TabulatedAngle(BondedInteraction): """ Tabulated bond angle. Parameters ---------- energy: array_like of :obj:`float` The energy table for the range :math:`0-\\pi`. force: array_like of :obj:`float` The force table for the range :math:`0-\\pi`. """ _so_name = "Interactions::TabulatedAngleBond" _so_feature = "TABULATED" _type_number = BONDED_IA.TABULATED_ANGLE def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pi = 3.14159265358979 if len(args) == 0 and "sip" not in kwargs: kwargs.update({"min": 0., "max": pi}) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class TabulatedDihedral(BondedInteraction): """ Tabulated bond dihedral. Parameters ---------- energy: array_like of :obj:`float` The energy table for the range :math:`0-2\\pi`. force: array_like of :obj:`float` The force table for the range :math:`0-2\\pi`. """ _so_name = "Interactions::TabulatedDihedralBond" _so_feature = "TABULATED" _type_number = BONDED_IA.TABULATED_DIHEDRAL def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pi = 3.14159265358979 if len(args) == 0 and "sip" not in kwargs: kwargs.update({"min": 0., "max": 2. * pi}) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class Virtual(BondedInteraction): """ Virtual bond. """ _so_name = "Interactions::VirtualBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.VIRTUAL_BOND
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class AngleHarmonic(BondedInteraction): """ Bond-angle-dependent harmonic potential. Parameters ---------- phi0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond angle in radians. bend : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the bond interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::AngleHarmonicBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.ANGLE_HARMONIC
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class AngleCosine(BondedInteraction): """ Bond-angle-dependent cosine potential. Parameters ---------- phi0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond angle in radians. bend : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the bond interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::AngleCosineBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.ANGLE_COSINE
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class AngleCossquare(BondedInteraction): """ Bond-angle-dependent cosine squared potential. Parameters ---------- phi0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond angle in radians. bend : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the bond interaction. """ _so_name = "Interactions::AngleCossquareBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.ANGLE_COSSQUARE
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class IBM_Triel(BondedInteraction): """ IBM Triel bond. See Figure C.1 in :cite:`kruger12a`. Parameters ---------- ind1, ind2, ind3 : :obj:`int` First, second and third bonding partner. Used for initializing reference state k1 : :obj:`float` Shear elasticity for Skalak and Neo-Hookean k2 : :obj:`float`, optional Area resistance for Skalak maxDist : :obj:`float` Gives an error if an edge becomes longer than maxDist elasticLaw : :obj:`str`, {'NeoHookean', 'Skalak'} Type of elastic bond """ _so_name = "Interactions::IBMTriel" _type_number = BONDED_IA.IBM_TRIEL
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {"k2": 0., "is_initialized": False, "_cache": None}
[docs] @script_interface_register class IBM_Tribend(BondedInteraction): """ IBM Tribend bond. See Figure C.2 in :cite:`kruger12a`. Parameters ---------- ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4 : :obj:`int` First, second, third and fourth bonding partner. Used for initializing reference state kb : :obj:`float` Bending modulus refShape : :obj:`str`, optional, {'Flat', 'Initial'} Reference shape, default is ``'Flat'`` """ _so_name = "Interactions::IBMTribend" _type_number = BONDED_IA.IBM_TRIBEND
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {"refShape": "Flat", "theta0": 0., "is_initialized": False}
[docs] @script_interface_register class IBM_VolCons(BondedInteraction): """ IBM volume conservation bond. See Figure C.3 in :cite:`kruger12a`. Parameters ---------- softID : :obj:`int` Used to identify the object to which this bond belongs. Each object (cell) needs its own ID. For performance reasons, it is best to start from ``softID=0`` and increment by 1 for each subsequent bond. kappaV : :obj:`float` Modulus for volume force Methods ------- current_volume() Query the current volume of the soft object associated to this bond. The volume is initialized once all :class:`IBM_Triel` bonds have been added and the forces have been recalculated. """ _so_name = "Interactions::IBMVolCons" _so_bind_methods = ("current_volume",) _type_number = BONDED_IA.IBM_VOLUME_CONSERVATION
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class OifGlobalForces(BondedInteraction): """ Characterize the distribution of the force of the global mesh deformation onto individual vertices of the mesh. Part of the :ref:`Object-in-fluid` method. Parameters ---------- A0_g : :obj:`float` Relaxed area of the mesh ka_g : :obj:`float` Area coefficient V0 : :obj:`float` Relaxed volume of the mesh kv : :obj:`float` Volume coefficient """ _so_name = "Interactions::OifGlobalForcesBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.OIF_GLOBAL_FORCES
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class OifLocalForces(BondedInteraction): """ Characterize the deformation of two triangles sharing an edge. Part of the :ref:`Object-in-fluid` method. Parameters ---------- r0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond length of triangle edges ks : :obj:`float` Non-linear stretching coefficient of triangle edges kslin : :obj:`float` Linear stretching coefficient of triangle edges phi0 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium angle between the two triangles kb : :obj:`float` Bending coefficient for the angle between the two triangles A01 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium surface of the first triangle A02 : :obj:`float` Equilibrium surface of the second triangle kal : :obj:`float` Stretching coefficient of a triangle surface kvisc : :obj:`float` Viscous coefficient of the triangle vertices """ _so_name = "Interactions::OifLocalForcesBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.OIF_LOCAL_FORCES
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class QuarticBond(BondedInteraction): """ Quartic bond. Parameters ---------- k0 : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the square term. k1 : :obj:`float` Magnitude of the fourth order term. r : :obj:`float` Equilibrium bond length. r_cut : :obj:`float` Maximum interaction length. """ _so_name = "Interactions::QuarticBond" _type_number = BONDED_IA.QUARTIC
[docs] def get_default_params(self): """Gets default values of optional parameters. """ return {}
[docs] @script_interface_register class BondedInteractions(ScriptObjectMap): """ Represents the bonded interactions list. Individual interactions can be accessed using ``BondedInteractions[i]``, where ``i`` is the bond id. Methods ------- remove() Remove a bond from the list. This is a no-op if the bond does not exist. Parameters ---------- bond_id : :obj:`int` clear() Remove all bonds. """ _so_name = "Interactions::BondedInteractions" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" _bond_classes = { cls._type_number: cls for cls in globals().values() if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, BondedInteraction) and cls != BondedInteraction }
[docs] def add(self, *args): """ Add a bond to the list. Parameters ---------- bond: :class:`espressomd.interactions.BondedInteraction` Either a bond object... """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], BondedInteraction): bonded_ia = args[0] else: raise TypeError("A BondedInteraction object needs to be passed.") bonded_ia._bond_id = self._insert_bond(None, bonded_ia) return bonded_ia._bond_id
def __getitem__(self, bond_id): if self.call_method('has_bond', bond_id=bond_id): bond_obj = self.call_method('get_bond', bond_id=bond_id) bond_obj._bond_id = bond_id return bond_obj # Find out the type of the interaction from ESPResSo bond_type = self.call_method("get_zero_based_type", bond_id=bond_id) # Check if the bonded interaction exists in ESPResSo core if bond_type == BONDED_IA.NONE: raise ValueError(f"The bond with id {bond_id} is not yet defined.") # Find the appropriate class representing such a bond bond_class = self._bond_classes[bond_type] # Create a new script interface object (i.e. a copy of the shared_ptr) # which links to the bonded interaction object return bond_class(bond_id=bond_id) def __setitem__(self, bond_id, bond_obj): self._insert_bond(bond_id, bond_obj) def _insert_bond(self, bond_id, bond_obj): """ Inserts a new bond. If a ``bond_id`` is given, the bond is inserted at that id. If no id is given, a new id is generated. Bonds can only be overwritten if the new bond is of the same type as the old one, e.g. a :class:`~espressomd.interactions.FeneBond` bond can only be overwritten by another :class:`~espressomd.interactions.FeneBond` bond. """ # Validate arguments if not isinstance(bond_obj, BondedInteraction): raise ValueError( "Only subclasses of BondedInteraction can be assigned.") # Send the script interface object pointer to the core if bond_id is None: bond_id = self.call_method("insert", object=bond_obj) else: # Throw error if attempting to overwrite a bond of different type if self.call_method("contains", key=bond_id): old_type = self._bond_classes[ self.call_method("get_zero_based_type", bond_id=bond_id)] if not isinstance(bond_obj, old_type): raise ValueError( "Bonds can only be overwritten by bonds of equal type.") self.call_method("insert", key=bond_id, object=bond_obj) # Save the bond id in the BondedInteraction instance bond_obj._bond_id = bond_id return bond_id def __len__(self): return self.call_method('get_size') # Support iteration over active bonded interactions def __iter__(self): for bond_id in self.call_method('get_bond_ids'): if self.call_method("get_zero_based_type", bond_id=bond_id): yield self[bond_id]