Source code for espressomd.system

# Copyright (C) 2013-2022 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import collections

from . import accumulators
from . import analyze
from . import bond_breakage
from . import cell_system
from . import cuda_init
from . import collision_detection
from . import comfixed
from . import constraints
from . import electrostatics
from . import magnetostatics
from . import galilei
from . import interactions
from . import integrate
from . import lees_edwards
from . import particle_data
from . import thermostat

from .code_features import has_features, assert_features
from .script_interface import script_interface_register, ScriptInterfaceHelper

class _System(ScriptInterfaceHelper):
    Wrapper class required for technical reasons only.

    When reloading from a checkpoint file, the box length, periodicity, and
    global cutoff must be set before anything else. Due to how pickling works,
    this can only be achieved by encapsulating them in a member object of the
    System class, and adding that object as the first element of the ordered
    dict that is used during serialization. When the System class is reloaded,
    the ordered dict is walked through and objects are deserialized in the same
    order. Since many objects depend on the box length, the `_System` has
    to be deserialized first. This guarantees the box geometry is already set
    in the core before e.g. particles and bonds are deserialized.

    _so_name = "System::System"
    _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL"
    _so_bind_methods = (

[docs] @script_interface_register class System(ScriptInterfaceHelper): """ The ESPResSo system class. Attributes ---------- analysis: :class:`espressomd.analyze.Analysis` auto_update_accumulators: :class:`espressomd.accumulators.AutoUpdateAccumulators` bond_breakage: :class:`espressomd.bond_breakage.BreakageSpecs` bonded_inter: :class:`espressomd.interactions.BondedInteractions` cell_system: :class:`espressomd.cell_system.CellSystem` collision_detection: :class:`espressomd.collision_detection.CollisionDetection` comfixed: :class:`espressomd.comfixed.ComFixed` constraints: :class:`espressomd.constraints.Constraints` cuda_init_handle: :class:`espressomd.cuda_init.CudaInitHandle` galilei: :class:`espressomd.galilei.GalileiTransform` integrator: :class:`espressomd.integrate.IntegratorHandle` lees_edwards: :class:`espressomd.lees_edwards.LeesEdwards` non_bonded_inter: :class:`espressomd.interactions.NonBondedInteractions` part: :class:`espressomd.particle_data.ParticleList` thermostat: :class:`espressomd.thermostat.Thermostat` box_l: (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Dimensions of the simulation box. periodicity: (3,) array_like of :obj:`bool` System periodicity in ``[x, y, z]``, ``False`` for no periodicity in this direction, ``True`` for periodicity min_global_cut : :obj:`float` Minimal interaction cutoff. Methods ------- setup_type_map() For using ESPResSo conveniently for simulations in the grand canonical ensemble, or other purposes, when particles of certain types are created and deleted frequently. Particle ids can be stored in lists for each individual type and so random ids of particles of a certain type can be drawn. If you want ESPResSo to keep track of particle ids of a certain type you have to initialize the method by calling the setup function. After that ESPResSo will keep track of particle ids of that type. Parameters ---------- type_list : array_like of :obj:`int` Types to track. number_of_particles() Count the number of particles of a given type. Parameters ---------- type : :obj:`int` (:attr:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle.type`) Particle type to count the number for. Returns ------- :obj:`int` The number of particles which have the given type. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the particle ``type`` is not currently tracked by the system. To select which particle types are tracked, call :meth:`setup_type_map`. rotate_system() Rotate the particles in the system about the center of mass. If ``ROTATION`` is activated, the internal rotation degrees of freedom are rotated accordingly. Parameters ---------- phi : :obj:`float` Angle between the z-axis and the rotation axis. theta : :obj:`float` Rotation of the axis around the y-axis. alpha : :obj:`float` How much to rotate """ _so_name = "System::SystemFacade" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" _so_bind_methods = _System._so_bind_methods def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "sip" in kwargs: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._setup_atexit() return super().__init__() if self.call_method("is_system_created"): raise RuntimeError( "You can only have one instance of the system class at a time.") if "box_l" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Required argument 'box_l' not provided.") setable_properties = ["box_l", "min_global_cut", "periodicity", "time", "time_step", "force_cap", "max_oif_objects"] self.call_method("set_system_handle", obj=_System(**kwargs)) self.integrator = integrate.IntegratorHandle() for key in ("box_l", "periodicity", "min_global_cut"): if key in kwargs: del kwargs[key] for arg in kwargs: if arg not in setable_properties: raise ValueError( f"Property '{arg}' can not be set via argument to System class.") System.__setattr__(self, arg, kwargs.get(arg)) self.analysis = analyze.Analysis() self.auto_update_accumulators = accumulators.AutoUpdateAccumulators() self.bonded_inter = interactions.BondedInteractions() self.cell_system = cell_system.CellSystem() self.bond_breakage = bond_breakage.BreakageSpecs() if has_features("COLLISION_DETECTION"): self.collision_detection = collision_detection.CollisionDetection( mode="off") self.comfixed = comfixed.ComFixed() self.constraints = constraints.Constraints() if has_features("CUDA"): self.cuda_init_handle = cuda_init.CudaInitHandle() if has_features("ELECTROSTATICS"): self.electrostatics = electrostatics.Container() if has_features("DIPOLES"): self.magnetostatics = magnetostatics.Container() if has_features("WALBERLA"): self._lb = None self._ekcontainer = None self.galilei = galilei.GalileiTransform() self.lees_edwards = lees_edwards.LeesEdwards() self.non_bonded_inter = interactions.NonBondedInteractions() self.part = particle_data.ParticleList() self.thermostat = thermostat.Thermostat() # lock class self.call_method("lock_system_creation") self._setup_atexit() def _setup_atexit(self): import atexit def session_shutdown(): self.call_method("session_shutdown") atexit.register(session_shutdown) def __reduce__(self): so_callback, so_callback_args = super().__reduce__() return (System._restore_object, (so_callback, so_callback_args, self.__getstate__())) @classmethod def _restore_object(cls, so_callback, so_callback_args, state): so = so_callback(*so_callback_args) so.__setstate__(state) return so def __getstate__(self): checkpointable_properties = [ "non_bonded_inter", "bonded_inter", "part", "auto_update_accumulators", "constraints", ] if has_features("COLLISION_DETECTION"): checkpointable_properties.append("collision_detection") if has_features("WALBERLA"): checkpointable_properties += ["_lb", "_ekcontainer"] odict = collections.OrderedDict() odict["_system_handle"] = self.call_method("get_system_handle") for property_name in checkpointable_properties: odict[property_name] = System.__getattribute__(self, property_name) return odict def __setstate__(self, params): # note: this class is initialized twice by pickle self.call_method("set_system_handle", obj=params.pop("_system_handle")) for property_name in params.keys(): System.__setattr__(self, property_name, params[property_name]) # note: several members can only be instantiated once if has_features("WALBERLA"): if self._lb is not None: lb, self._lb = self._lb, None = lb if self._ekcontainer is not None: ekcontainer, self._ekcontainer = self._ekcontainer, None self.ekcontainer = ekcontainer self.call_method("lock_system_creation") @property def force_cap(self): """ If > 0, the magnitude of the force on the particles are capped to this value. Type: :obj:`float` """ return self.integrator.force_cap @force_cap.setter def force_cap(self, value): self.integrator.force_cap = value @property def time(self): """ Total simulation time. Type: :obj:`float` """ return self.integrator.time @time.setter def time(self, value): self.integrator.time = value @property def time_step(self): """ MD time step. Type: :obj:`float` """ return self.integrator.time_step @time_step.setter def time_step(self, value): self.integrator.time_step = value @property def max_cut_nonbonded(self): """ Maximal cutoff for non-bonded interactions. Type: :obj:`float` """ return self.cell_system.max_cut_nonbonded @property def max_cut_bonded(self): """ Maximal cutoff for bonded interactions. Type: :obj:`float` """ return self.cell_system.max_cut_bonded @property def lb(self): """ LB solver. """ assert_features("WALBERLA") return self._lb @lb.setter def lb(self, lb): assert_features("WALBERLA") if lb != self._lb: if self._lb is not None: self._lb.call_method("deactivate") self._lb = None if lb is not None: lb.call_method("activate") self._lb = lb @property def ekcontainer(self): """ EK system (diffusion-advection-reaction models). Type: :class:`espressomd.electrokinetics.EKContainer` """ assert_features("WALBERLA") return self._ekcontainer @ekcontainer.setter def ekcontainer(self, ekcontainer): assert_features("WALBERLA") if ekcontainer != self._ekcontainer: if self._ekcontainer is not None: self._ekcontainer.call_method("deactivate") self._ekcontainer = None if ekcontainer is not None: ekcontainer.call_method("activate") self._ekcontainer = ekcontainer
[docs] def change_volume_and_rescale_particles(self, d_new, dir="xyz"): """Change box size and rescale particle coordinates. Parameters ---------- d_new : :obj:`float` New box length dir : :obj:`str`, optional Coordinate to work on, ``"x"``, ``"y"``, ``"z"`` or ``"xyz"`` for isotropic. Isotropic assumes a cubic box. """ coord = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, "xyz": 3}.get(dir) if coord is None: raise ValueError( 'Usage: change_volume_and_rescale_particles(<L_new>, [{ "x" | "y" | "z" | "xyz" }])') self.call_method("rescale_boxl", length=d_new, coord=coord)
[docs] def volume(self): """Return volume of the cuboid box. """ return float(
[docs] def distance(self, p1, p2): """Return the scalar distance between particles, between a particle and a point or between two points, respecting periodic boundaries. Parameters ---------- p1 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` First particle or position. p2 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Second particle or position. """ return np.linalg.norm(self.distance_vec(p1, p2))
[docs] def distance_vec(self, p1, p2): """Return the distance vector between particles, between a particle and a point or between two points, respecting periodic boundaries. Parameters ---------- p1 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` First particle or position. p2 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Second particle or position. """ if isinstance(p1, particle_data.ParticleHandle): pos1 = p1.pos_folded else: pos1 = p1 if isinstance(p2, particle_data.ParticleHandle): pos2 = p2.pos_folded else: pos2 = p2 return self.call_method("distance_vec", pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2)
[docs] def velocity_difference(self, p1, p2): """ Return the velocity difference between two particles, considering Lees-Edwards boundary conditions, if active. Parameters ---------- p1 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` p2 : :class:`~espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle` """ return self.call_method("velocity_difference", pos1=p1.pos_folded, pos2=p2.pos_folded, v1=p1.v, v2=p2.v)
[docs] def auto_exclusions(self, distance): """ Add exclusions between particles that are bonded. This only considers pair bonds. Requires feature ``EXCLUSIONS``. Parameters ---------- distance : :obj:`int` Bond distance up to which the exclusions should be added. """ assert_features("EXCLUSIONS") self.part.auto_exclusions(distance=distance)