14. Electrokinetics¶
The electrokinetics setup in ESPResSo allows for the description of electro-hydrodynamic systems on the level of ion density distributions coupled to a lattice-Boltzmann (LB) fluid. The ion density distributions may also interact with explicit charged particles, which are interpolated on the LB grid. In the following paragraph we briefly explain the electrokinetic model implemented in ESPResSo, before we come to the description of the interface.
Please cite Godenschwager et al. [2013] and Bauer et al. [2021] (BibTeX keys
and bauer21a
in doc/bibliography.bib
) if
you use the LB fluid. When generating your own kernels with pystencils and
lbmpy, please also cite Bauer et al. [2019] and Bauer et al. [2021] (BibTeX
key bauer19a
resp. bauer21b
in doc/bibliography.bib
Requires external features WALBERLA
and optionally WALBERLA_FFT
(for the FFT-based Poisson solver), enabled with the CMake options
14.1. Electrokinetic equations¶
In the electrokinetics code we solve the following system of coupled continuity, diffusion-advection, Poisson, and Navier-Stokes equations:
which define relations between the following observables
- \(n_k\)
the number density of the particles of species \(k\),
- \(\vec{j}_k\)
the number density flux of the particles of species \(k\),
- \(\Phi\)
the electrostatic potential,
- \(\rho_{\mathrm{fl}}\)
the mass density of the fluid,
- \(\vec{v}_{\mathrm{fl}}\)
the advective velocity of the fluid,
and input parameters
- \(D_k\)
the diffusion constant of species \(k\),
- \(\nu_k\)
the mobility of species \(k\),
- \(\vec{\mathcal{W}}_k\)
the white-noise term for the fluctuations of species \(k\),
- \(q_k\)
the charge of a single particle of species \(k\),
- \({l_\mathrm{B}}\)
the Bjerrum length,
- \({k_\mathrm{B}T}\)
- the thermal energy given by the product of Boltzmann’s constant \(k_\text{B}\)and the temperature \(T\),
- \(\eta\)
the dynamic viscosity of the fluid,
- \(\eta_{\text{b}}\)
the bulk viscosity of the fluid.
The temperature \(T\), and diffusion constants \(D_k\) and mobilities \(\nu_k\) of individual species are linked through the Einstein-Smoluchowski relation \(D_k / \nu_k = {k_\mathrm{B}T}\). This system of equations combining diffusion-advection, electrostatics, and hydrodynamics is conventionally referred to as the Electrokinetic Equations.
The electrokinetic equations have the following properties:
On the coarse time and length scale of the model, the dynamics of the particle species can be described in terms of smooth density distributions and potentials as opposed to the microscale where highly localized densities cause singularities in the potential.
In most situations, this restricts the application of the model to species of monovalent ions, since ions of higher valency typically show strong condensation and correlation effects – the localization of individual ions in local potential minima and the subsequent correlated motion with the charges causing this minima.
Only the entropy of an ideal gas and electrostatic interactions are accounted for. In particular, there is no excluded volume.
This restricts the application of the model to monovalent ions and moderate charge densities. At higher valencies or densities, overcharging and layering effects can occur, which lead to non-monotonic charge densities and potentials, that can not be covered by a mean-field model such as Poisson–Boltzmann or this one.
Even in salt free systems containing only counter ions, the counter-ion densities close to highly charged objects can be overestimated when neglecting excluded volume effects. Decades of the application of Poisson–Boltzmann theory to systems of electrolytic solutions, however, show that those conditions are fulfilled for monovalent salt ions (such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride) at experimentally realizable concentrations.
Electrodynamic and magnetic effects play no role. Electrolytic solutions fulfill those conditions as long as they don’t contain magnetic particles.
The diffusion coefficient is a scalar, which means there can not be any cross-diffusion. Additionally, the diffusive behavior has been deduced using a formalism relying on the notion of a local equilibrium. The resulting diffusion equation, however, is known to be valid also far from equilibrium.
The temperature is constant throughout the system.
The density fluxes instantaneously relax to their local equilibrium values. Obviously one can not extract information about processes on length and time scales not covered by the model, such as dielectric spectra at frequencies, high enough that they correspond to times faster than the diffusive time scales of the charged species.
14.2. Setup¶
14.2.1. Initialization¶
Here is a minimal working example:
import espressomd
import espressomd.electrokinetics
system = espressomd.System(box_l=3 * [6.0])
system.time_step = 0.01
system.cell_system.skin = 1.0
lattice = espressomd.electrokinetics.LatticeWalberla(agrid=0.5, n_ghost_layers=1)
ek_solver = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKNone(lattice=lattice)
system.ekcontainer = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKContainer(
solver=ek_solver, tau=system.time_step)
where system.ekcontainer
is the EK system, ek_solver
is the Poisson
solver (here EKNone
doesn’t actually solve the electrostatic field, but
instead imposes a zero field), and lattice
contains the grid parameters.
In this setup, the EK system doesn’t contain any species. The following
sections will show how to add species that can diffuse, advect, react and/or
electrostatically interact. An EK system can be set up at the same time as a
LB system.
To detach an EK system, use the following syntax:
system.ekcontainer = None
14.2.2. Diffusive species¶
ek_species = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKSpecies(
ext_efield=[0., 0., 0.]
is used to initialize a diffusive
species. Here the options specify: the electrokinetic number densities
(independent from the LB density
), the diffusion coefficient
, the valency of the particles of that species valency
the optional external (electric) force ext_efield
which is applied to
the diffusive species, the thermal energy kT
for thermal fluctuations,
to enable coupling of the diffusive species to the
LB fluid force and advection
to add an advective contribution to the
diffusive species’ fluxes from the LB fluid.
Multiple species can be added to the EK system.
To add species to the EK system:
To remove species from the EK system:
Individual nodes and slices of the species lattice can be accessed and modified using the syntax outlined in Reading and setting properties of single lattice nodes.
As mentioned before, the LB density is completely decoupled from the electrokinetic densities. This has the advantage that greater freedom can be achieved in matching the internal parameters to an experimental system. Moreover, it is possible to choose parameters for which the LB is more stable.
14.2.3. Performance considerations¶
The CPU implementation of the EK has an extra flag single_precision
use single-precision floating point values. These are approximately 10%
faster than double-precision, at the cost of a small loss in precision.
14.3. Checkpointing¶
ek_species.save_checkpoint(path, binary)
ek_species.ekcontainer.load_checkpoint(path, binary)
The first command saves all of the EK nodes’ properties to an ASCII
) or binary (binary=True
) format respectively.
The second command loads the EK nodes’ properties.
In both cases path
specifies the location of the
checkpoint file. This is useful for restarting a simulation either on the same
machine or a different machine. Some care should be taken when using the binary
format as the format of doubles can depend on both the computer being used as
well as the compiler.
14.4. VTK output¶
The waLBerla library implements a globally-accessible VTK registry.
A VTK stream can be attached to an EK actor to periodically write
one or multiple fluid field data into a single file using
vtk_obs = ["density"]
# create a VTK callback that automatically writes every 10 EK steps
ek_vtk = espressomd.electrokinetics.VTKOutput(
identifier="ek_vtk_automatic", observables=vtk_obs, delta_N=10)
# can be deactivated
# create a VTK callback that writes only when explicitly called
ek_vtk_on_demand = espressomd.electrokinetics.VTKOutput(
identifier="ek_vtk_now", observables=vtk_obs)
Currently only supports the species density.
By default, the properties of the current state
of the species are written to disk on demand. To add a stream that writes
to disk continuously, use the optional argument delta_N
to indicate
the level of subsampling. Such a stream can be deactivated.
The VTK format is readable by visualization software such as ParaView [5]
or Mayavi2 [6], as well as in ESPResSo (see Reading VTK files).
If you plan to use ParaView for visualization, note that also the particle
positions can be exported using the VTK format
(see writevtk()
Important: these VTK files are written in multi-piece format, i.e. each MPI
rank writes its local domain to a new piece in the VTK uniform grid to avoid
a MPI reduction. ParaView can handle the topology reconstruction natively.
However, when reading the multi-piece file with the Python vtk
the topology must be manually reconstructed. In particular, calling the XML
reader GetOutput()
method directly after the update step will erase all
topology information. While this is not an issue for VTK files obtained from
simulations that ran with 1 MPI rank, for parallel simulations this will lead
to 3D grids with incorrectly ordered data. Automatic topology reconstruction
is available through VTKReader
import pathlib
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import espressomd
import espressomd.electrokinetics
import espressomd.io.vtk
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[12., 14., 10.])
system.cell_system.skin = 0.4
system.time_step = 0.1
lattice = espressomd.electrokinetics.LatticeWalberla(agrid=1., n_ghost_layers=1)
ek_solver = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKNone(lattice=lattice)
ek_species = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKSpecies(
lattice=lattice, density=1., kT=1., diffusion=0.1, valency=0.,
advection=False, friction_coupling=False, tau=system.time_step)
system.ekcontainer = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKContainer(
solver=ek_solver, tau=ek_species.tau)
vtk_reader = espressomd.io.vtk.VTKReader()
label_density = "density"
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_directory:
path_vtk_root = pathlib.Path(tmp_directory)
label_vtk = "ek_vtk"
path_vtk = path_vtk_root / label_vtk / "simulation_step_0.vtu"
# write VTK file
ek_vtk = espressomd.electrokinetics.VTKOutput(
identifier=label_vtk, delta_N=0,
# read VTK file
vtk_grids = vtk_reader.parse(path_vtk)
vtk_density = vtk_grids[label_density]
# check VTK values match node values
ek_density = np.copy(ek_species[:, :, :].density)
np.testing.assert_allclose(vtk_density, ek_density, rtol=1e-10, atol=0.)
14.5. Setting up boundary conditions¶
It is possible to impose a fixed density and a fixed flux on EK species.
Under the hood, a boundary field is added to the blockforest, which contains pre-calculated information for the streaming operations.
14.5.1. Per-node boundary conditions¶
One can set (or update) the boundary conditions of individual nodes:
import espressomd
import espressomd.electrokinetics
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[10.0, 10.0, 10.0])
system.cell_system.skin = 0.1
system.time_step = 0.01
lattice = espressomd.electrokinetics.LatticeWalberla(agrid=0.5, n_ghost_layers=1)
ek_solver = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKNone(lattice=lattice)
ek_species = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKSpecies(
kT=1.5, lattice=lattice, density=0.85, valency=0., diffusion=0.1,
advection=False, friction_coupling=False, tau=system.time_step)
system.ekcontainer = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKContainer(
solver=ek_solver, tau=ek_species.tau)
# set node fixed density boundary conditions
ek_species[0, 0, 0].boundary = espressomd.electrokinetics.DensityBoundary(1.)
# update node fixed density boundary conditions
ek_species[0, 0, 0].boundary = espressomd.electrokinetics.DensityBoundary(2.)
# remove node boundary conditions
ek_species[0, 0, 0].boundary = None
14.5.2. Shape-based boundary conditions¶
Adding a shape-based boundary is straightforward:
import espressomd
import espressomd.electrokinetics
import espressomd.shapes
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[10.0, 10.0, 10.0])
system.cell_system.skin = 0.1
system.time_step = 0.01
lattice = espressomd.electrokinetics.LatticeWalberla(agrid=0.5, n_ghost_layers=1)
ek_solver = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKNone(lattice=lattice)
ek_species = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKSpecies(
kT=1.5, lattice=lattice, density=0.85, valency=0.0, diffusion=0.1,
advection=False, friction_coupling=False, tau=system.time_step)
system.ekcontainer = espressomd.electrokinetics.EKContainer(
solver=ek_solver, tau=ek_species.tau)
# set fixed density boundary conditions
wall = espressomd.shapes.Wall(normal=[1., 0., 0.], dist=2.5)
shape=wall, value=1., boundary_type=espressomd.electrokinetics.DensityBoundary)
# clear fixed density boundary conditions
For a position-dependent flux, the argument to value
must be a 4D grid
(the first three dimensions must match the EK grid shape, the fourth
dimension has size 3 for the flux).
For a complete description of all available shapes, refer to
14.6. Prototyping new EK methods¶
Start by installing the code generator dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -c requirements.txt numpy sympy lbmpy pystencils islpy
Next, edit the code generator script to configure new kernels, then execute it:
python3 maintainer/walberla_kernels/generate_lb_kernels.py
The script takes optional arguments to control the CPU or GPU architecture,
as well as the floating-point precision. The generated source code files need
to be written to src/walberla_bridge/src/electrokinetics/generated_kernels/
and src/walberla_bridge/src/electrokinetics/reactions/generated_kernels/
These steps can be automated with the convenience shell functions documented in
Edit the CMakeLists.txt
file in the destination folders to include the
new kernels in the build system.
Then, adapt src/walberla_bridge/src/electrokinetics/EKinWalberlaImpl.hpp
to use the new EK kernels.