Source code for espressomd.MDA_ESP

# Copyright (C) 2010-2018 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
This modules allows to expose ESPREsSo's coordinates and particle attributes
to MDAnalysis without need to save information to files.

The main class is Stream(), which is used to initialize the stream of data
to MDAnalysis' readers. These are the topology reader ESPParser(TopologyReaderBase)
and the coordinates reader ESPReader(SingleFrameReaderBase).

A minimal working example is the following:

>>> # imports
>>> import espressomd
>>> from espressomd import MDA_ESP
>>> import MDAnalysis as mda

>>> # system setup
>>> system = espressomd.System()
>>> system.time_step = 1.
>>> = 1.
>>> system.box_l = [10.,10.,10.]
>>> system.part.add(id=0,pos=[1.,2.,3.])

>>> # set up the stream
>>> eos = MDA_ESP.Stream(system)
>>> # feed Universe with a topology and with coordinates
>>> u = mda.Universe(eos.topology,eos.trajectory)
>>> print u
<Universe with 1 atoms>


    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
import MDAnalysis

from distutils.version import LooseVersion

from MDAnalysis.lib import util
from MDAnalysis.coordinates.core import triclinic_box
from MDAnalysis.lib.util import NamedStream
from MDAnalysis.topology.base import TopologyReaderBase
from MDAnalysis.coordinates import base
from MDAnalysis.coordinates.base import SingleFrameReaderBase
from MDAnalysis.core.topology import Topology

from MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs import (
    Atomnames, Atomids, Atomtypes, Masses,
    Resids, Resnums, Segids, Resnames, AltLocs,
    ICodes, Occupancies, Tempfactors, Charges

[docs]class Stream(object): def __init__(self, system): """ Create an object that provides a MDAnalysis topology and a coordinate reader Parameters ---------- system : an instance of the espressomd.System() class Returns ------- a Stream class Properties ---------- trajectory: returns a named pipe with the information about the current frame topology : a topology for MDAnalysis >>> eos = MDA_ESP.Stream(system) >>> u = mda.Universe(eos.topology,eos.trajectory) """ self.topology = ESPParser(None, espresso=system).parse() self.system = system @property def trajectory(self): """ Particles' coordinates at the current time Returns ------- A named stream in the format that can be parsed by ESPReader() """ # time _xyz = str(self.system.time) + '\n' # number of particles _xyz += str(len(self.system.part)) + '\n' # box edges _xyz += str(self.system.box_l) + '\n' # configuration for _p in self.system.part: _xyz += str(_p.pos) + '\n' for _p in self.system.part: _xyz += str(_p.v) + '\n' for _p in self.system.part: _xyz += str(_p.f) + '\n' return NamedStream(StringIO(_xyz), "__.ESP")
[docs]class ESPParser(TopologyReaderBase): """ An MDAnalysis reader of espresso's topology """ format = 'ESP' def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def parse(self): """ Access ESPResSo data and return the topology object Returns ------- an MDAnalysis Topology object """ espresso = self.kwargs['espresso'] names = [] atomtypes = [] masses = [] charges = [] for p in espresso.part: names.append("A" + repr(p.type)) atomtypes.append("T" + repr(p.type)) masses.append(p.mass) charges.append(p.q) natoms = len(espresso.part) attrs = [Atomnames(np.array(names, dtype=object)), Atomids(np.arange(natoms) + 1), Atomtypes(np.array(atomtypes, dtype=object)), Masses(masses), Resids(np.array([1])), Resnums(np.array([1])), Segids(np.array(['System'], dtype=object)), AltLocs(np.array([' '] * natoms, dtype=object)), Resnames(np.array(['R'], dtype=object)), Occupancies(np.zeros(natoms)), Tempfactors(np.zeros(natoms)), ICodes(np.array([' '], dtype=object)), Charges(np.array(charges)), ] top = Topology(natoms, 1, 1, attrs=attrs) return top
[docs]class Timestep(base.Timestep): _ts_order_x = [0, 3, 4] _ts_order_y = [5, 1, 6] _ts_order_z = [7, 8, 2] def _init_unitcell(self): return np.zeros(9, dtype=np.float32) @property def dimensions(self): # This information now stored as _ts_order_x/y/z to keep DRY x = self._unitcell[self._ts_order_x] y = self._unitcell[self._ts_order_y] z = self._unitcell[self._ts_order_z] # this ordering is correct! (checked it, OB) return triclinic_box(x, y, z) @dimensions.setter def dimensions(self, box): x, y, z = triclinic_vectors(box) np.put(self._unitcell, self._ts_order_x, x) np.put(self._unitcell, self._ts_order_y, y)
[docs]class ESPReader(SingleFrameReaderBase): """ An MDAnalysis single frame reader for the stream provided by Stream() """ format = 'ESP' units = {'time': None, 'length': 'nm', 'velocity': 'nm/ps'} _Timestep = Timestep def _read_first_frame(self): with util.openany(self.filename, 'rt') as espfile: n_atoms = 1 for pos, line in enumerate(espfile, start=-3): if (pos == -3): time = float(line[1:-1]) elif(pos == -2): n_atoms = int(line) self.n_atoms = n_atoms positions = np.zeros( self.n_atoms * 3, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.n_atoms, 3) velocities = np.zeros( self.n_atoms * 3, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.n_atoms, 3) forces = np.zeros( self.n_atoms * 3, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.n_atoms, 3) self.ts = ts = self._Timestep( self.n_atoms, **self._ts_kwargs) self.ts.time = time elif(pos == -1): self.ts._unitcell[:3] = np.array( list(map(float, line[1:-2].split()))) elif(pos < n_atoms): positions[pos] = np.array( list(map(float, line[1:-2].split()))) elif(pos < 2 * n_atoms): velocities[pos - n_atoms] = np.array( list(map(float, line[1:-2].split()))) else: forces[pos - 2 * n_atoms] = np.array( list(map(float, line[1:-2].split()))) ts.positions = np.copy(positions) ts.velocities = np.copy(velocities) ts.forces = np.copy(forces)