# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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from .script_interface import ScriptInterfaceHelper, script_interface_register
from .utils import requires_experimental_features
[docs]class Shape:
_so_bind_methods = ("calc_distance",)
class Cylinder(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
A cylinder shape.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Coordinates of the center of the cylinder.
axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Axis of the cylinder.
radius : :obj:`float`
Radius of the cylinder.
length : :obj:`float`
Length of the cylinder.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
open : :obj:`bool`
cylinder is open or has caps.
_so_name = "Shapes::Cylinder"
class Ellipsoid(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
An ellipsoid.
For now only ellipsoids of revolution are supported.
The symmetry axis is aligned parallel to the x-direction.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Coordinates of the center of the ellipsoid.
a : :obj:`float`
Semiaxis along the axis of rotational symmetry.
b : :obj:`float`
Equatorial semiaxes.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::Ellipsoid"
class HollowCone(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
A hollow cone shape.
inner_radius : :obj:`float`
Inner radius of the cone.
outer_radius : :obj:`float`
Outer radius of the cone.
opening_angle : :obj:`float`
Opening angle of the cone (in rad).
axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Axis of symmetry, prescribes orientation of the cone.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Position of the cone.
width : :obj:`float`
Wall thickness of the cone.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::HollowCone"
class Rhomboid(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
An parallelepiped.
a : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
First base vector.
b : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Second base vector.
c : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Third base vector.
corner : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Lower left corner of the rhomboid.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::Rhomboid"
class Slitpore(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
.. figure:: figures/slitpore.png
:alt: Schematic for the Slitpore shape with labeled geometrical parameters.
:align: center
:height: 8.00000cm
channel_width : :obj:`float`
lower_smoothing_radius : :obj:`float`
pore_length : :obj:`float`
pore_mouth : :obj:`float`
pore_width : :obj:`float`
upper_smoothing_radius : :obj:`float`
dividing_plane : :obj:`float`
_so_name = "Shapes::Slitpore"
class Sphere(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
A sphere.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Center of the sphere
radius : :obj:`float`
Radius of the sphere.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::Sphere"
class SpheroCylinder(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
A cylinder with hemispheres as caps.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Coordinates of the center of the cylinder.
axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Axis of the cylinder.
radius : :obj:`float`
Radius of the cylinder.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
length : :obj:`float`
Length of the cylinder (not including the caps).
_so_name = "Shapes::SpheroCylinder"
@requires_experimental_features("No test coverage")
class Stomatocyte(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
inner_radius : :obj:`float`
Inner radius of the stomatocyte.
outer_radius : :obj:`float`
Outer radius of the stomatocyte.
axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Symmetry axis, prescribing the orientation of the stomatocyte.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Position of the stomatocyte.
layer_width : :obj:`float`
Scaling parameter.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::Stomatocyte"
class Torus(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
A torus shape.
center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Coordinates of the center of the torus.
normal : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Normal axis of the torus.
radius : :obj:`float`
Radius of the torus.
tube_radius : :obj:`float`
Radius of the tube.
direction : :obj:`int`
Surface orientation, for +1 the normal points
out of the mantel, for -1 it points inward.
_so_name = "Shapes::Torus"
class Wall(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
An infinite plane.
dist : :obj:`float`
Distance from the origin.
normal : (3,) array_like of :obj:`int`
Normal vector of the plane (needs not to be length 1).
_so_name = "Shapes::Wall"
class SimplePore(Shape, ScriptInterfaceHelper):
Two parallel infinite planes, and a cylindrical channel connecting them.
The cylinder and the planes are connected by torus segments with an
adjustable radius.
radius: :obj:`float`
The radius of the pore.
length: :obj:`float`
The distance between the planes.
smoothing_radius: :obj:`float`
Radius of the torus segments
axis: (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Axis of the cylinder and normal of the planes
center: (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`
Position of the center of the cylinder.
_so_name = "Shapes::SimplePore"