17. Under the hood¶
Implementation issues that are interesting for the user
Main loop in pseudo code (for comparison)
17.1. Internal particle organization¶
Since basically all major parts of the main MD integration have to
access the particle data, efficient access to the particle data is
crucial for a fast MD code. Therefore the particle data needs some more
elaborate organization, which will be presented here. A particle itself
is represented by a structure (Particle
) consisting of several
substructures (e.g. ParticlePosition
, ParticleForce
), which in turn represent basic physical properties
such as position, force or charge. The particles are organized in one or
more particle lists on each node, called CellPList
. The cells are
arranged by several possible systems, as described in Cellsystems.
A cell system defines a way the particles are stored in ESPResSo, i.e.
how they are distributed onto the processor nodes and how they are
organized on each of them. Moreover a cell system also defines
procedures to efficiently calculate the force, energy and pressure for
the short ranged interactions, since these can be heavily optimized
depending on the cell system. For example, the domain decomposition
cellsystem allows an order N interactions evaluation.
Technically, a cell is organized as a dynamically growing array, not as a list. This ensures that the data of all particles in a cell is stored contiguously in the memory. The particle data is accessed transparently through a set of methods common to all cell systems, which allocate the cells, add new particles, retrieve particle information and are responsible for communicating the particle data between the nodes. Therefore most portions of the code can access the particle data safely without direct knowledge of the currently used cell system. Only the force, energy and pressure loops are implemented separately for each cell model as explained above.
The domain decomposition or link cell algorithm is implemented such that the cells equal the cells, i.e. each cell is a separate particle list. For an example let us assume that the simulation box has size \(20\times 20\times 20\) and that we assign 2 processors to the simulation. Then each processor is responsible for the particles inside a \(10\times 20\times 20\) box. If the maximal interaction range is 1.2, the minimal possible cell size is 1.25 for 8 cells along the first coordinate, allowing for a small skin of 0.05. If one chooses only 6 boxes in the first coordinate, the skin depth increases to 0.467. In this example we assume that the number of cells in the first coordinate was chosen to be 6 and that the cells are cubic. One would then organize the cells on each node in a \(6\times 12\times 12\) cell grid embedded at the center of a \(8\times 14 \times 14\) grid. The additional cells around the cells containing the particles represent the ghost shell in which the information of the ghost particles from the neighboring nodes is stored. Therefore the particle information stored on each node resides in 1568 particle lists of which 864 cells contain particles assigned to the node, the rest contain information of particles from other nodes.
Classically, the link cell algorithm is implemented differently. Instead of having separate particle lists for each cell, there is only one particle list per node, and the cells actually only contain pointers to this particle list. This has the advantage that when particles are moved from one cell to another on the same processor, only the pointers have to be updated, which is much fewer data (4 rsp. 8 bytes) than the full particle structure (around 192 bytes, depending on the features compiled in). The data storage scheme of however requires to always move the full particle data. Nevertheless, from our experience, the second approach is 2-3 times faster than the classical one.
To understand this, one has to know a little bit about the architecture of modern computers. Most modern processors have a clock frequency above 1GHz and are able to execute nearly one instruction per clock tick. In contrast, the memory runs at a clock speed around 200MHz. Modern double data rate (DDR) RAM transfers up to 3.2GB/s at this clock speed (at each edge of the clock signal 8 bytes are transferred). But in addition to the data transfer speed, DDR RAM has some latency for fetching the data, which can be up to 50ns in the worst case. Memory is organized internally in pages or rows of typically 8KB size. The full \(2\times 200\) MHz data rate can only be achieved if the access is within the same memory page (page hit), otherwise some latency has to be added (page miss). The actual latency depends on some other aspects of the memory organization which will not be discussed here, but the penalty is at least 10ns, resulting in an effective memory transfer rate of only 800MB/s. To remedy this, modern processors have a small amount of low latency memory directly attached to the processor, the cache.
The processor cache is organized in different levels. The level 1 (L1) cache is built directly into the processor core, has no latency and delivers the data immediately on demand, but has only a small size of around 128KB. This is important since modern processors can issue several simple operations such as additions simultaneously. The L2 cache is larger, typically around 1MB, but is located outside the processor core and delivers data at the processor clock rate or some fraction of it.
In a typical implementation of the link cell scheme, the order of the particles is fairly random, determined e.g. by the order in which the particles are set up or have been communicated across the processor boundaries. The force loop therefore accesses the particle array in arbitrary order, resulting in a lot of unfavorable page misses. In the memory organization of ESPResSo, the particles are accessed in a virtually linear order. Because the force calculation goes through the cells in a linear fashion, all accesses to a single cell occur close in time, for the force calculation of the cell itself as well as for its neighbors. Using the domain decomposition cell scheme, two cell layers have to be kept in the processor cache. For 10000 particles and a typical cell grid size of 20, these two cell layers consume roughly 200 KBytes, which nearly fits into the L2 cache. Therefore every cell has to be read from the main memory only once per force calculation.