Source code for espressomd.visualization

# Copyright (C) 2010-2022 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import ctypes
import math
import os
import sys
import time
import itertools
import threading
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot

import OpenGL.GL
import OpenGL.GLE
import OpenGL.GLU
import OpenGL.GLUT

import espressomd
import espressomd.particle_data

[docs]class openGLLive(): """ This class provides live visualization using pyOpenGL. Use the update method to push your current simulation state after integrating. Modify the appearance with a list of keywords. Timed callbacks can be registered via the :meth:`register_callback` method and keyboard callbacks via :meth:`keyboard_manager.register_button() <espressomd.visualization.KeyboardManager.register_button>`. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`espressomd.system.System` window_size : (2,) array_like of :obj:`int`, optional Size of the visualizer window in pixels. name : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the visualizer window. background_color : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional RGB of the background. periodic_images : (3,) array_like of :obj:`int`, optional Periodic repetitions on both sides of the box in xyz-direction. draw_box : :obj:`bool`, optional Draw wireframe boundaries. draw_axis : :obj:`bool`, optional Draw xyz system axes. draw_nodes : :obj:`bool`, optional Draw node boxes. draw_cells : :obj:`bool`, optional Draw cell boxes. quality_particles : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for particle spheres. quality_bonds : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for cylindrical bonds. quality_arrows : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for external force arrows. quality_constraints : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for primitive constraints. close_cut_distance : :obj:`float`, optional The distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane. far_cut_distance : :obj:`float`, optional The distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane. camera_position : :obj:`str` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Initial camera position. Use ``'auto'`` (default) for shifted position in z-direction. camera_target : :obj:`str` or (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Initial camera target. Use ``'auto'`` (default) to look towards the system center. camera_right : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Camera right vector in system coordinates. Default is ``[1, 0, 0]`` particle_sizes : :obj:`str` or array_like of :obj:`float` or callable, optional * ``'auto'`` (default): The Lennard-Jones sigma value of the self-interaction is used for the particle diameter. * callable: A lambda function with one argument. Internally, the numerical particle type is passed to the lambda function to determine the particle radius. * list: A list of particle radii, indexed by the particle type. particle_coloring : :obj:`str`, optional * ``'auto'`` (default): Colors of charged particles are specified by ``particle_charge_colors``, neutral particles by ``particle_type_colors``. * ``'charge'``: Minimum and maximum charge of all particles is determined by the visualizer. All particles are colored by a linear interpolation of the two colors given by ``particle_charge_colors`` according to their charge. * ``'type'``: Particle colors are specified by ``particle_type_colors``, indexed by their numerical particle type. * ``'node'``: Color according to the node the particle is on. particle_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors for particle types. particle_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of the particle types. particle_charge_colors : (2,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Two colors for min/max charged particles. draw_constraints : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables constraint visualization. For simple constraints (planes, spheres and cylinders), OpenGL primitives are used. Otherwise, visualization by rasterization is used. rasterize_pointsize : :obj:`float`, optional Point size for the rasterization dots. rasterize_resolution : :obj:`float`, optional Accuracy of the rasterization. quality_constraints : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for primitive constraints. constraint_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors of the constraints by type. constraint_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of the constraints by type. draw_bonds : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables bond visualization. bond_type_radius : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Radii of bonds by type. bond_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Color of bonds by type. bond_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of bonds by type. ext_force_arrows : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables external force visualization. ext_force_arrows_type_scale : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of scale factors of external force arrows for different particle types. ext_force_arrows_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors of ext_force arrows for different particle types. ext_force_arrows_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of ext_force arrows for different particle types. ext_force_arrows_type_radii : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of arrow radii for different particle types. force_arrows : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables particle force visualization. force_arrows_type_scale : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of scale factors of particle force arrows for different particle types. force_arrows_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors of particle force arrows for different particle types. force_arrows_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of particle force arrows for different particle types. force_arrows_type_radii : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of arrow radii for different particle types. velocity_arrows : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables particle velocity visualization. velocity_arrows_type_scale : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of scale factors of particle velocity arrows for different particle types. velocity_arrows_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors of particle velocity arrows for different particle types. velocity_arrows_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of particle velocity arrows for different particle types. velocity_arrows_type_radii : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of arrow radii for different particle types. director_arrows : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables particle director visualization. director_arrows_type_scale : :obj:`float`, optional Scale factor of particle director arrows for different particle types. director_arrows_type_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Colors of particle director arrows for different particle types. director_arrows_type_materials : array_like of :obj:`str`, optional Materials of particle director arrows for different particle types. director_arrows_type_radii : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional List of arrow radii for different particle types. drag_enabled : :obj:`bool`, optional Enables mouse-controlled particles dragging (Default: False) drag_force : :obj:`bool`, optional Factor for particle dragging LB_draw_nodes : :obj:`bool`, optional Draws a lattice representation of the LB nodes that are no boundaries. LB_draw_node_boundaries : :obj:`bool`, optional Draws a lattice representation of the LB nodes that are boundaries. LB_draw_boundaries : :obj:`bool`, optional Draws the LB shapes. LB_draw_velocity_plane : :obj:`bool`, optional Draws LB node velocity arrows in a plane perpendicular to the axis in ``LB_plane_axis``, at a distance ``LB_plane_dist`` from the origin, every ``LB_plane_ngrid`` grid points. LB_plane_axis : :obj:`int`, optional LB node velocity arrows are drawn in a plane perpendicular to the x, y, or z axes, which are encoded by values 0, 1, or 2 respectively. LB_plane_dist : :obj:`float`, optional LB node velocity arrows are drawn in a plane perpendicular to the x, y, or z axes, at a distance ``LB_plane_dist`` from the origin. LB_plane_ngrid : :obj:`int`, optional LB node velocity arrows are drawn in a plane perpendicular to the x, y, or z axes, every ``LB_plane_ngrid`` grid points. LB_vel_scale : :obj:`float`, optional Rescale LB node velocity arrow length. LB_vel_radius_scale : :obj:`float`, optional Rescale LB node velocity arrow radii. LB_arrow_color : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional RGB of the LB velocity arrows. LB_arrow_material : :obj:`str`, optional Material of LB arrows. quality_constraints : :obj:`int`, optional The number of subdivisions for LB arrows. light_pos : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float`, optional If auto (default) is used, the light is placed dynamically in the particle barycenter of the system. Otherwise, a fixed coordinate can be set. light_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Three lists to specify ambient, diffuse and specular light colors. light_brightness : :obj:`float`, optional Brightness (inverse constant attenuation) of the light. light_size : :obj:`float`, optional Size (inverse linear attenuation) of the light. If auto (default) is used, the light size will be set to a reasonable value according to the box size at start. spotlight_enabled : :obj:`bool`, optional If set to True (default), it enables a spotlight on the camera position pointing in look direction. spotlight_colors : array_like of :obj:`float`, optional Three lists to specify ambient, diffuse and specular spotlight colors. spotlight_angle : :obj:`float`, optional The spread angle of the spotlight in degrees (from 0 to 90). spotlight_brightness : :obj:`float`, optional Brightness (inverse constant attenuation) of the spotlight. spotlight_focus : :obj:`float`, optional Focus (spot exponent) for the spotlight from 0 (uniform) to 128. Notes ----- The visualization of some constraints is either improved by or even relies on the presence of an installed OpenGL Extrusion library on your system. """ materials = { 'bright': [0.9, 1.0, 0.8, 0.4, 1.0], 'medium': [0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0], 'dark': [0.4, 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 1.0], 'transparent1': [0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8], 'transparent2': [0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4], 'transparent3': [0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2], 'rubber': [0, 0.4, 0.7, 0.078125, 1.0], 'chrome': [0.25, 0.4, 0.774597, 0.6, 1.0], 'plastic': [0, 0.55, 0.7, 0.25, 1.0], 'steel': [0.25, 0.38, 0, 0.32, 1.0] } def __init__(self, system, **kwargs): # default properties self.specs = { 'window_size': [800, 800], 'name': 'ESPResSo Visualization', 'background_color': [0, 0, 0], 'draw_fps': False, 'draw_box': True, 'draw_axis': True, 'draw_nodes': False, 'draw_cells': False, 'update_fps': 30, 'periodic_images': [0, 0, 0], 'quality_particles': 20, 'quality_bonds': 16, 'quality_arrows': 16, 'quality_constraints': 32, 'close_cut_distance': 0.1, 'far_cut_distance': 5, 'camera_position': 'auto', 'camera_target': 'auto', 'camera_right': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'particle_coloring': 'auto', 'particle_sizes': 'auto', 'particle_type_colors': [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'particle_type_materials': ['medium'], 'particle_charge_colors': [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], 'draw_constraints': True, 'rasterize_pointsize': 10, 'rasterize_resolution': 75.0, 'constraint_type_colors': [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0]], 'constraint_type_materials': ['transparent1'], 'draw_bonds': True, 'bond_type_radius': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'bond_type_colors': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'bond_type_materials': ['medium'], 'ext_force_arrows': False, 'ext_force_arrows_type_scale': [1.0], 'ext_force_arrows_type_colors': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'ext_force_arrows_type_materials': ['transparent2'], 'ext_force_arrows_type_radii': [0.2], 'velocity_arrows': False, 'velocity_arrows_type_scale': [1.0], 'velocity_arrows_type_colors': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'velocity_arrows_type_materials': ['transparent2'], 'velocity_arrows_type_radii': [0.2], 'force_arrows': False, 'force_arrows_type_scale': [1.0], 'force_arrows_type_colors': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'force_arrows_type_materials': ['transparent2'], 'force_arrows_type_radii': [0.2], 'director_arrows': False, 'director_arrows_type_scale': [1.0], 'director_arrows_type_colors': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 1]], 'director_arrows_type_materials': ['transparent2'], 'director_arrows_type_radii': [0.2], 'LB_draw_nodes': False, 'LB_draw_node_boundaries': False, 'LB_draw_boundaries': False, 'LB_draw_velocity_plane': False, 'LB_plane_axis': 2, 'LB_plane_dist': 0, 'LB_plane_ngrid': 5, 'LB_vel_scale': 1.0, 'LB_vel_radius_scale': 0.005, 'LB_arrow_color': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'LB_arrow_material': 'transparent1', 'LB_arrow_quality': 16, 'light_pos': 'auto', 'light_colors': [[0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], 'light_brightness': 1.0, 'light_size': 'auto', 'spotlight_enabled': False, 'spotlight_colors': [[0.2, 0.2, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], 'spotlight_angle': 45, 'spotlight_focus': 1, 'spotlight_brightness': 0.6, 'drag_enabled': False, 'drag_force': 3.0 } # overwrite with user properties for key in kwargs: if key not in self.specs: raise ValueError(f'{key} is no valid visualization property') else: self.specs[key] = kwargs[key] # dependencies if not espressomd.has_features('EXTERNAL_FORCES'): self.specs['drag_enabled'] = False self.specs['ext_force_arrows'] = False if not espressomd.has_features('ROTATION'): self.specs['director_arrows'] = False if not espressomd.has_features('LB_BOUNDARIES') and \ not espressomd.has_features('LB_BOUNDARIES_GPU'): self.specs['LB_draw_boundaries'] = False self.specs['LB_draw_node_boundaries'] = False # ESPResSo-related inits that are known only when running the # integration loop are called once in the update loop # (constraints, node boxes, cell boxes, charge range, bonds) # ESPResSo-related inits that are known on instantiation go here: # content of particle data self.has_particle_data = { 'velocity': self.specs['velocity_arrows'], 'force': self.specs['force_arrows'], 'ext_force': self.specs['ext_force_arrows'] or self.specs['drag_enabled']} if espressomd.has_features('ELECTROSTATICS'): self.has_particle_data['charge'] = \ self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'auto' or \ self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'charge' else: self.has_particle_data['charge'] = False self.has_particle_data['director'] = self.specs['director_arrows'] self.has_particle_data['node'] = self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'node' # particle info of highlighted particle: collect particle attributes self.highlighted_particle = {} self.particle_attributes = [] for d in dir(espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle): if isinstance(getattr(espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle, d), type(espressomd.particle_data.ParticleHandle.pos)): if d not in ["pos_folded"]: self.particle_attributes.append(d) self.max_len_attr = max([len(a) for a in self.particle_attributes]) # fixed colors from inverse background color for good contrast self.inverse_bg_color = \ np.array([1 - self.specs['background_color'][0], 1 - self.specs['background_color'][1], 1 - self.specs['background_color'][2], 1.0]) self.node_box_color = np.copy(self.inverse_bg_color) self.node_box_color[0] += 0.5 * (0.5 - self.node_box_color[0]) self.cell_box_color = np.copy(self.inverse_bg_color) self.cell_box_color[1] += 0.5 * (0.5 - self.cell_box_color[1]) self.lb_box_color = np.copy(self.inverse_bg_color) self.lb_box_color[2] = 0.5 self.lb_box_color_boundary = np.copy(self.inverse_bg_color) self.lb_box_color_boundary[1] = 0.5 self.text_color = np.copy(self.inverse_bg_color) # increase line thickness if node/cell box is enabled self.line_width_fac = 1.0 if self.specs['draw_nodes']: self.line_width_fac += 0.5 if self.specs['draw_cells']: self.line_width_fac += 0.5 # has periodic images self.has_images = any(i != 0 for i in self.specs['periodic_images']) self.image_vectors = [ list(range(-i, i + 1)) for i in self.specs['periodic_images']] # various inits self.system = system self.system_info = {} self.last_box_l = self.system.box_l self.fps_last = 0 self.fps = 0 self.fps_count = 1 self.glut_main_loop_started = False self.screenshot_initialized = False self.hasParticleData = False self.quit_safely = False self.paused = False self.take_screenshot = False self.screenshot_captured = False self.keyboard_manager = KeyboardManager() self.mouse_manager = MouseManager() = self._init_camera() self.timers = [] self.particles = {} # times of last call of update(), redraw_on_idle() self.last_update = time.time() self.last_draw = time.time() self.trigger_set_particle_drag = False self.trigger_reset_particle_drag = False self.drag_id = -1 # list of [(x, y), string] for user-defined text self.user_texts = []
[docs] def update_system_info(self): """Update the information stored in dict self.system_info. The dictionary is used for showing system information, such as particle or constraint information, in the visualizer window. """ # collect system information self.system_info = { 'Actors': [], 'Non-bonded interactions': [], 'Bonded interactions': [b for b in self.system.bonded_inter], 'Constraints': [], 'Thermostat': self.system.thermostat.get_state() } if len(self.system_info['Bonded interactions']) == 0: self.system_info['Bonded interactions'].append('None') # collect all actors for a in self.system.actors: self.system_info['Actors'].append(str(a)) if len(self.system_info['Actors']) == 0: self.system_info['Actors'].append('None') # collect all types from particles and constraints all_types = set(self.system.part.all().type) constraint_types = [] for c in self.system.constraints[:]: constraint_types.append(c.get_parameter('particle_type')) all_types.update(constraint_types) # collect all active non-bonded interactions all_non_bonded_inters = [ x for x in dir(self.system.non_bonded_inter[0, 0]) if not x.startswith('__') and x != 'type1' and x != 'type2'] for t1 in all_types: for t2 in all_types: for check_nb in all_non_bonded_inters: nb = getattr( self.system.non_bonded_inter[t1, t2], check_nb) if nb is not None and nb.is_active(): self.system_info['Non-bonded interactions'].append( [t1, t2, nb.type_name(), nb.get_params()]) if len(self.system_info['Non-bonded interactions']) == 0: self.system_info['Non-bonded interactions'].append('None') # collect constraints for c in self.system.constraints[:]: co = c.get_params() co_s = c.get_parameter('shape') co['shape'] = [, co_s.get_params()] self.system_info['Constraints'].append(co) if len(self.system_info['Constraints']) == 0: self.system_info['Constraints'].append('None')
[docs] def register_callback(self, cb, interval=1000): """Register timed callbacks. """ self.timers.append((int(interval), cb))
[docs] def screenshot(self, path): """Renders the current state into an image file at ``path`` with dimensions of ``specs['window_size']`` in PNG format. """ # on first call: init and create buffers if not self.screenshot_initialized: self.screenshot_initialized = True self._init_opengl() # create buffers that can be larger than the screen frame buffer fbo = OpenGL.GL.glGenFramebuffers(1) OpenGL.GL.glBindFramebuffer(OpenGL.GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo) # color buffer rbo = OpenGL.GL.glGenRenderbuffers(1) OpenGL.GL.glBindRenderbuffer(OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, rbo) OpenGL.GL.glRenderbufferStorage( OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, OpenGL.GL.GL_RGB, self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1]) OpenGL.GL.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( OpenGL.GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGL.GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, rbo) # depth buffer dbo = OpenGL.GL.glGenRenderbuffers(1) OpenGL.GL.glBindRenderbuffer(OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, dbo) OpenGL.GL.glRenderbufferStorage( OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1]) OpenGL.GL.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( OpenGL.GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, dbo) self._reshape_window( self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1]) OpenGL.GLUT.glutHideWindow() # initialize properties that depend on the ESPResSo system self._init_espresso_visualization() self._initial_espresso_updates() # draw the simulation box OpenGL.GL.glClear( OpenGL.GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) OpenGL.GL.glLoadMatrixf( self._draw_system() # read the pixels OpenGL.GL.glReadBuffer(OpenGL.GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0) data = OpenGL.GL.glReadPixels( 0, 0, self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1], OpenGL.GL.GL_RGB, OpenGL.GL.GL_FLOAT) # save image data = np.flipud(data.reshape((data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 3))) matplotlib.pyplot.imsave(path, data)
[docs] def run(self, integration_steps=1): """Convenience method with a simple integration thread. """ def main(): while True: self.update() if not self.paused: try: except Exception as e: print(e) os._exit(1) # Necessary to regularly drop the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) # which prevents freezing of the visualizer under certain # circumstances (see Issue #3764). time.sleep(1e-12) t = threading.Thread(target=main) t.daemon = True t.start() self.start()
[docs] def start(self): """The blocking start method. """ self._init_opengl() self._init_espresso_visualization() self._init_controls() self._init_OpenGL_callbacks() self._init_timers() # start the blocking main loop self.glut_main_loop_started = True OpenGL.GLUT.glutMainLoop()
[docs] def update(self): """Update method to be called after integration. Changes of ESPResSo system can only happen here. """ if self.glut_main_loop_started: # update on startup if not self.hasParticleData: self._initial_espresso_updates() self.hasParticleData = True # updates refresh_time = 1. / self.specs['update_fps'] if (time.time() - self.last_update) > refresh_time: # update particle/bond data after system propagation, # or on pause to display particle info self._update_particles_and_bonds() # LB update if self.specs['LB_draw_velocity_plane']: self._update_lb_velocity_plane() # box_l changed if not (self.last_box_l == self.system.box_l).all(): self.last_box_l = np.copy(self.system.box_l) self._box_size_dependence() # keyboard callbacks may change ESPResSo system properties, # only safe to change here for c in self.keyboard_manager.userCallbackStack: c() self.keyboard_manager.userCallbackStack = [] self.last_update = time.time() # drag particles if self.specs['drag_enabled']: if self.trigger_set_particle_drag and self.drag_id != -1: self.system.part.by_id( self.drag_id).ext_force = self.dragExtForce self.trigger_set_particle_drag = False elif self.trigger_reset_particle_drag and self.drag_id != -1: self.system.part.by_id( self.drag_id).ext_force = self.extForceOld self.trigger_reset_particle_drag = False self.drag_id = -1 # <escape> key was pressed: wait for ESPResSo to complete current task, # then call sys exit from main thread if self.quit_safely: os._exit(1)
# fetch data on startup def _initial_espresso_updates(self): self._update_particles_and_bonds() if self.has_particle_data['charge']: self._update_charge_color_range() if self.specs['draw_constraints']: self._update_constraints() if self.specs['draw_cells'] or self.specs['draw_nodes']: self._update_nodes() if self.specs['draw_cells']: self._update_cells() def _update_particles_and_bonds(self): """Fetch particle data from core and put it in the data dicts used by the visualizer. """ parts_from_core = self.system.part.all() self._update_particles(parts_from_core) self._update_bonds(parts_from_core) def _update_particles(self, particle_data): """Updates particle data used for drawing particles. Do not call directly but use _update_particles_and_bonds()! """ self.particles['pos'] = particle_data.pos_folded self.particles['type'] = particle_data.type # particle ids can be discontiguous, therefore create a dict that maps # particle ids to respective index in data arrays (used by # _draw_bonds()) self.index_from_id = { id: ndx for ndx, id in enumerate(} if self.has_particle_data['velocity']: self.particles['velocity'] = particle_data.v if self.has_particle_data['force']: self.particles['force'] = particle_data.f if self.has_particle_data['ext_force']: self.particles['ext_force'] = particle_data.ext_force if self.has_particle_data['charge']: self.particles['charge'] = particle_data.q if self.has_particle_data['director']: self.particles['director'] = particle_data.director if self.has_particle_data['node']: self.particles['node'] = particle_data.node if self.info_id != -1: # data array index of particle with id info_id info_index = self.index_from_id[self.info_id] for attr in self.particle_attributes: self.highlighted_particle[attr] = \ getattr(particle_data, attr)[info_index] def _update_lb_velocity_plane(self): if self.lb_is_cpu: self._update_lb_velocity_plane_cpu() else: self._update_lb_velocity_plane_gpu() def _update_lb_velocity_plane_cpu(self): agrid = self.lb_params['agrid'] self.lb_plane_vel = [] ng = self.specs['LB_plane_ngrid'] for xi in range(ng): for xj in range(ng): pp = np.copy((self.lb_plane_p + xi * 1.0 / ng * self.lb_plane_b1 + xj * 1.0 / ng * self.lb_plane_b2) % self.system.box_l) i, j, k = (int(ppp / agrid) for ppp in pp) lb_vel = np.copy([i, j, k].velocity) self.lb_plane_vel.append([pp, lb_vel]) def _update_lb_velocity_plane_gpu(self): ng = self.specs['LB_plane_ngrid'] col_pos = [] for xi in range(ng): for xj in range(ng): p = np.array((self.lb_plane_p + xi * 1.0 / ng * self.lb_plane_b1 + xj * 1.0 / ng * self.lb_plane_b2) % self.system.box_l) col_pos.append(p) lb_vels = np.array(col_pos)) self.lb_plane_vel = [] for p, v in zip(col_pos, lb_vels): self.lb_plane_vel.append([p, v]) def _update_cells(self): self.cell_box_origins = [] cell_system_state = self.system.cell_system.get_state() # Not all particle decompositions have a cell grid, if # it does not exist in the cell system state, we just # ignore it try: self.cell_size = cell_system_state['cell_size'] for i in range(cell_system_state['cell_grid'][0]): for j in range(cell_system_state['cell_grid'][1]): for k in range(cell_system_state['cell_grid'][2]): self.cell_box_origins.append( np.array([i, j, k]) * self.cell_size) except KeyError: pass def _update_nodes(self): self.node_box_origins = [] self.local_box_l = np.array([0, 0, 0]) for i in range(self.system.cell_system.node_grid[0]): for j in range(self.system.cell_system.node_grid[1]): for k in range(self.system.cell_system.node_grid[2]): self.node_box_origins.append( np.array([i, j, k]) * self.local_box_l) def _update_constraints(self): """Collect shapes and interaction type (for coloring) from constraints and update the list self.shapes with instances of the respective Shape (or child) classes. """ self.shapes = [] # helper functions and shape dictionary def unpack_shapes(shapes_list): """Return a list of shapes, where all unions have been unpacked. """ shapes = [] try: # recursively unpack unions for shape in shapes_list: shapes.extend(unpack_shapes(shape)) except TypeError: # otherwise just append the shape shapes.append(shapes_list) return shapes def shape_arguments(shape, part_type): """Helper function returning argument list for initialization of Shape class (or respective child classes). """ arguments = [ shape, part_type, self._modulo_indexing(self.specs['constraint_type_colors'], part_type), self.materials[self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['constraint_type_materials'], part_type)], self.specs['quality_constraints'], self.system.box_l, self.specs['rasterize_resolution'], self.specs['rasterize_pointsize'] ] return arguments shape_mapping = { 'Shapes::Cylinder': Cylinder, 'Shapes::Ellipsoid': Ellipsoid, 'Shapes::HollowConicalFrustum': HollowConicalFrustum, 'Shapes::SimplePore': SimplePore, 'Shapes::Slitpore': Slitpore, 'Shapes::Sphere': Sphere, 'Shapes::SpheroCylinder': Spherocylinder, 'Shapes::Wall': Wall } # collect shapes using the helper functions for constraint in self.system.constraints: if isinstance(constraint, espressomd.constraints.ShapeBasedConstraint): part_type = constraint.get_parameter('particle_type') shape = constraint.get_parameter('shape') for sub_shape in unpack_shapes(shape): arguments = shape_arguments(sub_shape, part_type) try: self.shapes.append( shape_mapping[](*arguments)) except KeyError: self.shapes.append(Shape(*arguments)) if self.specs['LB_draw_boundaries']: ni = 0 for constraint in self.system.lbboundaries: if isinstance(constraint, espressomd.lbboundaries.LBBoundary): part_type = ni ni += 1 shape = constraint.get_parameter('shape') for sub_shape in unpack_shapes(shape): arguments = shape_arguments(sub_shape, part_type) try: self.shapes.append( shape_mapping[](*arguments)) except KeyError: self.shapes.append(Shape(*arguments)) def _update_bonds(self, particle_data): """Update bond data used for drawing bonds. Do not call directly but use :meth:`~espressomd.visualization_opengl.openGLLive._update_particles_and_bonds`! Updates data array ``self.bonds[]``; structure of elements is: ``[<id of first bond partner>, <id of second bond partner>, <bond type>]`` """ if self.specs['draw_bonds']: self.bonds = [] for particle in particle_data: for bond in particle.bonds: # input data: # bond[0]: bond type, bond[1:] bond partners bond_type = bond[0].type_number() if len(bond) == 4: self.bonds.append([, bond[1], bond_type]) self.bonds.append([, bond[2], bond_type]) self.bonds.append([bond[2], bond[3], bond_type]) else: for bond_partner in bond[1:]: self.bonds.append( [, bond_partner, bond_type]) def _draw_text(self, x, y, text, color, font=OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15): OpenGL.GL.glColor(color) OpenGL.GL.glWindowPos2f(x, y) for ch in text: OpenGL.GLUT.glutBitmapCharacter(font, ctypes.c_int(ord(ch))) # draw called automatically from GLUT display function def _draw_system(self): if self.specs['LB_draw_velocity_plane']: self._draw_lb_vel() if self.specs['draw_axis']: axis_fac = 0.2 axis_r = np.min(self.system.box_l) / 50.0 draw_arrow([0, 0, 0], [self.system.box_l[0] * axis_fac, 0, 0], axis_r, [1, 0, 0, 1], self.materials['chrome'], self.specs['quality_arrows']) draw_arrow([0, 0, 0], [0, self.system.box_l[2] * axis_fac, 0], axis_r, [0, 1, 0, 1], self.materials['chrome'], self.specs['quality_arrows']) draw_arrow([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, self.system.box_l[2] * axis_fac], axis_r, [0, 0, 1, 1], self.materials['chrome'], self.specs['quality_arrows']) if self.specs['draw_bonds']: self._draw_bonds() self._draw_system_particles() if self.specs['draw_constraints']: self._draw_constraints() if self.specs['draw_box']: self._draw_system_box() if self.specs['draw_nodes']: self._draw_nodes() if self.specs['draw_cells']: self._draw_cells() if self.specs['LB_draw_nodes'] or self.specs['LB_draw_node_boundaries']: self._draw_lb_grid() def _draw_system_box(self): draw_box([0, 0, 0], self.system.box_l, self.inverse_bg_color, self.materials['medium'], 2.0 * self.line_width_fac) def _draw_nodes(self): for n in self.node_box_origins: draw_box(n, self.local_box_l, self.node_box_color, self.materials['transparent1'], 1.5 * self.line_width_fac) def _draw_cells(self): for n in self.node_box_origins: for c in self.cell_box_origins: draw_box( c + n, self.cell_size, self.cell_box_color, self.materials['transparent1'], 0.75 * self.line_width_fac) def _draw_lb_grid(self): a = self.lb_params['agrid'] cell_size = np.array([a] * 3) dims = np.rint(np.array(self.system.box_l) / a) for i in range(int(dims[0])): for j in range(int(dims[1])): for k in range(int(dims[2])): n = np.array([i, j, k]) * cell_size if self.specs['LB_draw_node_boundaries'] \ and[i, j, k].boundary: draw_box(n, cell_size, self.lb_box_color_boundary, self.materials['transparent2'], 5.0) if self.specs['LB_draw_nodes'] \ and not[i, j, k].boundary: draw_box(n, cell_size, self.lb_box_color, self.materials['transparent2'], 1.5) def _draw_constraints(self): # clip borders of simulation box for i in range(6): OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(OpenGL.GL.GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i, self.box_eqn[i, :]) for shape in self.shapes: shape.draw() for i in range(6): OpenGL.GL.glDisable(OpenGL.GL.GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i) def _determine_radius(self, part_type): def radius_by_lj(part_type): try: radius = self.system.non_bonded_inter[part_type, part_type].lennard_jones.get_params()[ 'sigma'] * 0.5 if radius == 0.0: radius = self.system.non_bonded_inter[part_type, part_type].wca.get_params()[ 'sigma'] * 0.5 except Exception: radius = 0.5 if radius == 0.0: radius = 0.5 return radius if self.specs['particle_sizes'] == 'auto': radius = radius_by_lj(part_type) elif callable(self.specs['particle_sizes']): radius = self.specs['particle_sizes'](part_type) else: try: radius = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['particle_sizes'], part_type) except RuntimeError: radius = self.radius_by_lj(part_type) return radius def _draw_system_particles(self, color_by_id=False): part_type = -1 reset_material = False for part_id, index in self.index_from_id.items(): part_type_last = part_type part_type = int(self.particles['type'][index]) # Only change material if type/charge has changed, color_by_id or # material was reset by arrows if reset_material or color_by_id or not part_type == part_type_last or \ part_id == self.drag_id or part_id == self.info_id or self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'node': reset_material = False radius = self._determine_radius(part_type) m = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['particle_type_materials'], part_type) material = self.materials[m] if color_by_id: color = self._id_to_fcolor(part_id) OpenGL.GL.glColor(color) else: if self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'auto': # Color auto: Charge then Type if self.has_particle_data['charge'] and self.particles['charge'][index] != 0: color = self._color_by_charge( self.particles['charge'][index]) reset_material = True else: color = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['particle_type_colors'], part_type) elif self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'charge': color = self._color_by_charge( self.particles['charge'][index]) reset_material = True elif self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'type': color = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['particle_type_colors'], part_type) elif self.specs['particle_coloring'] == 'node': color = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['particle_type_colors'], self.particles['node'][index]) # Invert color of highlighted particle if part_id == self.drag_id or part_id == self.info_id: reset_material = True color = [1. - color[0], 1. - color[1], 1. - color[2]] set_solid_material(color, material) # Create a new display list, used until next material/color # change OpenGL.GL.glNewList(self.dl_sphere, OpenGL.GL.GL_COMPILE) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidSphere( radius, self.specs['quality_particles'], self.specs['quality_particles']) OpenGL.GL.glEndList() self._redraw_sphere(self.particles['pos'][index]) if self.has_images: for imx, imy, imz in itertools.product(*self.image_vectors): if imx != 0 or imy != 0 or imz != 0: offset = [imx, imy, imz] * self.system.box_l self._redraw_sphere( self.particles['pos'][index] + offset) if espressomd.has_features('EXTERNAL_FORCES'): if self.specs['ext_force_arrows'] or part_id == self.drag_id: if any(v != 0 for v in self.particles['ext_force'][index]): if part_id == self.drag_id: sc = 1 else: sc = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['ext_force_arrows_type_scale'], part_type) if sc > 0: arrow_col = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['ext_force_arrows_type_colors'], part_type) arrow_radius = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['ext_force_arrows_type_radii'], part_type) draw_arrow(self.particles['pos'][index], np.array( self.particles['ext_force'][index]) * sc, arrow_radius, arrow_col, self.materials['chrome'], self.specs['quality_arrows']) reset_material = True if self.specs['velocity_arrows']: self._draw_arrow_property( part_id, part_type, self.specs['velocity_arrows_type_scale'], self.specs['velocity_arrows_type_colors'], self.specs['velocity_arrows_type_radii'], 'velocity') reset_material = True if self.specs['force_arrows']: self._draw_arrow_property( part_id, part_type, self.specs['force_arrows_type_scale'], self.specs['force_arrows_type_colors'], self.specs['force_arrows_type_radii'], 'force') reset_material = True if self.specs['director_arrows']: self._draw_arrow_property( part_id, part_type, self.specs['director_arrows_type_scale'], self.specs['director_arrows_type_colors'], self.specs['director_arrows_type_radii'], 'director') reset_material = True def _draw_arrow_property(self, part_id, part_type, type_scale, type_colors, type_radii, prop): sc = self._modulo_indexing(type_scale, part_type) if sc > 0: v = self.particles[prop][self.index_from_id[part_id]] col = self._modulo_indexing(type_colors, part_type) radius = self._modulo_indexing(type_radii, part_type) draw_arrow(self.particles['pos'][self.index_from_id[part_id]], np.array(v, dtype=float) * sc, radius, col, self.materials['chrome'], self.specs['quality_arrows']) def _draw_bonds(self): half_box_l = self.system.box_l / 2.0 quality_bonds = self.specs['quality_bonds'] for b in self.bonds: col = self._modulo_indexing(self.specs['bond_type_colors'], b[2]) mat = self.materials[self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['bond_type_materials'], b[2])] radius = self._modulo_indexing( self.specs['bond_type_radius'], b[2]) # if particles are deleted in the core, index_from_id might # throw a KeyError -- e. g. when deleting a bond created by # collision_detection (using virtual site particles) try: x_a = self.particles['pos'][self.index_from_id[b[0]]] x_b = self.particles['pos'][self.index_from_id[b[1]]] except BaseException: pass dx = x_b - x_a if np.all(np.abs(dx) < half_box_l): # bond completely inside box draw_cylinder(x_a, x_b, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) if self.has_images: for imx, imy, imz in itertools.product( *self.image_vectors): if imx != 0 or imy != 0 or imz != 0: offset = [imx, imy, imz] * self.system.box_l draw_cylinder(x_a + offset, x_b + offset, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) else: # bond crosses the box boundaries d = self._cut_bond(x_a, dx) if d is np.inf: continue s_a = x_a + d * dx s_b = x_b - (1 - d) * dx draw_cylinder(x_a, s_a, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) draw_cylinder(x_b, s_b, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) if self.has_images: for imx, imy, imz in itertools.product( *self.image_vectors): if imx != 0 or imy != 0 or imz != 0: offset = [imx, imy, imz] * self.system.box_l draw_cylinder(x_a + offset, s_a + offset, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) draw_cylinder(x_b + offset, s_b + offset, radius, col, mat, quality_bonds) def _redraw_sphere(self, pos): OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) OpenGL.GL.glCallList(self.dl_sphere) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix() # helper to draw periodic bonds def _cut_bond(self, x_a, dx): """ Algorithm for the line-plane intersection problem. Given the unfolded positions of two particles, determine: 1) the box image that minimizes the folded bond length, 2) which side of the simulation box is crossed by the bond, 3) how much of the bond is inside the unit cell starting from the first particle. That scalar is returned by the function, and can be used to calculate the coordinates of the line-plane intersection point. The algorithm can be found at """ # corner case: the two particles occupy the same position if, dx) < 1e-9: return np.inf # find the box image that minimizes the unfolded bond length shift = np.rint(dx / self.system.box_l) # get the unfolded bond vector dx -= shift * self.system.box_l # find which side of the simulation box is crossed by the bond best_d = np.inf for i in range(3): if dx[i] == 0: continue # corner case: bond is parallel to a face elif dx[i] > 0: p0_i = self.system.box_l[i] else: p0_i = 0 # calculate the length of the bond that is inside the box using # an optimized version of ` - x0, n) /, n)` # where the dot products decay to an array access, because `n` # is always a unit vector in rectangular boxes and its sign # is canceled out by the division d = (p0_i - x_a[i]) / dx[i] if d < best_d: best_d = d return best_d # arrows in a plane for LB velocities def _draw_lb_vel(self): for lb_pos, lb_vel in self.lb_plane_vel: draw_arrow( lb_pos, lb_vel * self.specs['LB_vel_scale'], self.lb_arrow_radius, self.specs['LB_arrow_color'], self.materials[self.specs['LB_arrow_material']], self.specs['LB_arrow_quality']) # use modulo if there are more particle types than type definitions for # colors, materials etc. @staticmethod def _modulo_indexing(l, t): return l[t % len(l)] # fade particle charge color from white (q=0) to plus_color (q=q_max) resp # minus_color (q=q_min) def _color_by_charge(self, q): if q < 0.: c = q / self.min_q minus_color = self.specs['particle_charge_colors'][0] return (1. - c) * np.ones(3) + c * np.array(minus_color) else: c = q / self.max_q plus_color = self.specs['particle_charge_colors'][1] return (1. - c) * np.ones(3) + c * np.array(plus_color) # on initialization, check q_max/q_min def _update_charge_color_range(self): if len(self.particles['charge'][:]) > 0: self.min_q = min(self.particles['charge'][:]) self.max_q = max(self.particles['charge'][:]) def _handle_screenshot(self): if self.take_screenshot: self.take_screenshot = False data = OpenGL.GL.glReadPixels(0, 0, self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1], OpenGL.GL.GL_RGB, OpenGL.GL.GL_FLOAT) script_name = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] i = 0 while os.path.exists(f"{script_name}_{i:04d}.png"): i += 1 file_name = f"{script_name}_{i:04d}.png" data = np.flipud(data.reshape((data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 3))) matplotlib.pyplot.imsave(file_name, data) self.screenshot_captured = True self.screenshot_capture_time = time.time() self.screenshot_capture_txt = f"Saved screenshot {file_name}" def _display_all(self): OpenGL.GL.glClear( OpenGL.GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) OpenGL.GL.glLoadMatrixf( self._set_camera_spotlight() self._draw_system() self._draw_texts() OpenGL.GLUT.glutSwapBuffers() self._handle_screenshot() def _draw_texts(self): # draw user text for (x, y), text in self.user_texts: self._draw_text(x, y, text, self.text_color) # draw fps text if self.specs['draw_fps']: t = time.time() if t - self.fps_last > 1.0: self.fps_last = t self.fps = self.fps_count self.fps_count = 0 self._draw_text(10, 10, f"{self.fps} fps", self.text_color) self._draw_text(10, 30, f"{1000.0 / self.fps} ms/frame", self.text_color) self.fps_count += 1 # draw particle info if self.show_system_info: self._draw_sysinfo_dict(self.system_info) elif self.info_id != -1: self._draw_particle_dict( self.highlighted_particle, self.max_len_attr) # indicate screen capture if self.screenshot_captured and not self.take_screenshot: col = np.array(self.text_color) ts = time.time() - self.screenshot_capture_time fadetime = 2.0 col[3] = 1.0 - ts / fadetime if ts > fadetime: self.screenshot_captured = False else: self._draw_text( self.specs['window_size'][0] - len( self.screenshot_capture_txt) * 9.0 - 15, self.specs['window_size'][1] - 15, self.screenshot_capture_txt, col) def _draw_sysinfo_dict(self, sysinfo_dict): y = 0 for key, value_list in sysinfo_dict.items(): # category title self._draw_text(10, self.specs['window_size'][1] - 10 - 15 * y, f"{key}:", self.text_color) # item list for item in value_list: txt = str(item) n_lines = int( len(txt) * 9.0 / self.specs['window_size'][0]) + 1 chars_per_line = int(self.specs['window_size'][0] / 9) - 4 if chars_per_line < 20: break ls = 0 for _ in range(n_lines): y += 1 line_txt = txt[ls:ls + chars_per_line] self._draw_text( 30, self.specs['window_size'][1] - 10 - 15 * y, line_txt, self.text_color) ls += chars_per_line y += 1.5 def _draw_particle_dict(self, particle_dict, max_len): y = 0 for k, v in particle_dict.items(): txt = f"{k} {(max_len - len(k)) * ' '} {v}" self._draw_text(10, self.specs['window_size'][1] - 10 - 15 * y, txt, self.text_color) y += 1 # called on window position/size change def _reshape_window(self, w, h): OpenGL.GL.glViewport(0, 0, w, h) OpenGL.GL.glMatrixMode(OpenGL.GL.GL_PROJECTION) OpenGL.GL.glLoadIdentity() box_diag = np.linalg.norm(self.system.box_l) OpenGL.GLU.gluPerspective(40, 1.0 * w / h, self.specs['close_cut_distance'], self.specs['far_cut_distance'] * box_diag) OpenGL.GL.glMatrixMode(OpenGL.GL.GL_MODELVIEW) self.specs['window_size'][0] = w self.specs['window_size'][1] = h # inits for GLUT functions def _init_OpenGL_callbacks(self): # OpenGL callbacks def display(): if self.hasParticleData and self.glut_main_loop_started: self._display_all() return # pylint: disable=unused-argument def keyboard_up(button, x, y): if isinstance(button, bytes): button = button.decode("utf-8") self.keyboard_manager.keyboard_up(button) return # pylint: disable=unused-argument def keyboard_down(button, x, y): if isinstance(button, bytes): button = button.decode("utf-8") self.keyboard_manager.keyboard_down(button) return def mouse(button, state, x, y): self.mouse_manager.mouse_click(button, state, x, y) return def motion(x, y): self.mouse_manager.mouse_move(x, y) return def redraw_on_idle(): # don't repost faster than 60 fps if (time.time() - self.last_draw) > 1.0 / 60.0: OpenGL.GLUT.glutPostRedisplay() self.last_draw = time.time() return def reshape_callback(w, h): self._reshape_window(w, h) def close_window(): os._exit(1) OpenGL.GLUT.glutDisplayFunc(display) OpenGL.GLUT.glutMouseFunc(mouse) OpenGL.GLUT.glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard_down) OpenGL.GLUT.glutKeyboardUpFunc(keyboard_up) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSpecialFunc(keyboard_down) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSpecialUpFunc(keyboard_up) OpenGL.GLUT.glutReshapeFunc(reshape_callback) OpenGL.GLUT.glutMotionFunc(motion) OpenGL.GLUT.glutWMCloseFunc(close_window) OpenGL.GLUT.glutIdleFunc(redraw_on_idle) def _init_timers(self): """ Starts infinite loops of timed function callbacks. Using `OpenGL.GLUT.glutTimerFunc()` a timed function callback is registered that after (at least) the specified time calls a specific function, which re-registers a timed callback to itself plus does some other stuff. Per callback registered in `self.timers`, one such infinite callback loop is started. In addition, potential keyboard input is handled every (at least) 17 ms, corresponding to a rate of ~60 1/s. """ # timers for register_callback def dummy_timer(index): self.timers[index][1]() OpenGL.GLUT.glutTimerFunc( self.timers[index][0], dummy_timer, index) for index, timer in enumerate(self.timers): OpenGL.GLUT.glutTimerFunc(timer[0], dummy_timer, index) # handle input with 60 fps # pylint: disable=unused-argument def timed_handle_input(data): self.keyboard_manager.handle_input() OpenGL.GLUT.glutTimerFunc(17, timed_handle_input, -1) OpenGL.GLUT.glutTimerFunc(17, timed_handle_input, -1) # click on particle: drag; click on background: change camera angle. def _mouse_motion(self, mouse_pos, mouse_pos_old, mouse_button_state): if self.specs['drag_enabled'] and self.drag_id != -1: part_pos = self.particles['pos'][self.drag_id] viewport = OpenGL.GL.glGetIntegerv(OpenGL.GL.GL_VIEWPORT) mouse_world = OpenGL.GLU.gluUnProject( mouse_pos[0], viewport[3] - mouse_pos[1], self.depth) self.dragExtForce = self.specs['drag_force'] * \ (np.asarray(mouse_world) - np.array(part_pos)) self.trigger_set_particle_drag = True else:, mouse_pos_old, mouse_button_state) # re-draw scene without light to identify particle id by pixel color def _get_particle_id(self, pos): OpenGL.GL.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) OpenGL.GL.glClear( OpenGL.GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) OpenGL.GL.glLoadMatrixf( OpenGL.GL.glDisable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHTING) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0) if self.specs['spotlight_enabled']: OpenGL.GL.glDisable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1) self._draw_system_particles(color_by_id=True) viewport = OpenGL.GL.glGetIntegerv(OpenGL.GL.GL_VIEWPORT) read_pixel = OpenGL.GL.glReadPixelsui( pos[0], viewport[3] - pos[1], 1, 1, OpenGL.GL.GL_RGB, OpenGL.GL.GL_FLOAT)[0][0] depth = OpenGL.GL.glReadPixelsf( pos[0], viewport[3] - pos[1], 1, 1, OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, OpenGL.GL.GL_FLOAT)[0][0] part_id = self._fcolor_to_id(read_pixel) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHTING) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0) if self.specs['spotlight_enabled']: OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1) OpenGL.GL.glClearColor(self.specs['background_color'][0], self.specs['background_color'][1], self.specs['background_color'][2], 1.) return part_id, depth @staticmethod def _id_to_fcolor(part_id): part_id += 1 return [int(part_id / 256 ** 2) / 255.0, int((part_id % 256 ** 2) / 256) / 255.0, (part_id % 256) / 255.0, 1.0] @staticmethod def _fcolor_to_id(fcolor): if (fcolor == [0, 0, 0]).all(): return -1 else: return int(fcolor[0] * 255) * 256 ** 2 + \ int(fcolor[1] * 255) * 256 + \ int(fcolor[2] * 255) - 1 # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _set_particle_drag(self, pos, pos_old): part_id, depth = self._get_particle_id(pos) self.drag_id = part_id if part_id != -1: self.dragPosInitial = self.particles['pos'][self.drag_id] self.extForceOld = self.particles['ext_force'][self.drag_id][:] self.depth = depth # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _reset_particle_drag(self, pos, pos_old): if self.drag_id != -1: self.trigger_reset_particle_drag = True def _get_particle_info(self, pos, pos_old): part_id, _ = self._get_particle_id(pos) if self.show_system_info: self.show_system_info = False elif part_id == -1 and self.info_id == -1: self.show_system_info = True self.update_system_info() self.info_id = part_id def _next_particle_info(self): self.info_id = (self.info_id + 1) % len(self.particles['pos']) def _previous_particle_info(self): self.info_id = (self.info_id - 1) % len(self.particles['pos']) def _init_espresso_visualization(self): # initialize properties that depend on the ESPResSo system self.max_q = 0. self.min_q = 0. self.drag_id = -1 self.info_id = -1 self.show_system_info = False self.dragPosInitial = [] self.extForceOld = [] self.dragExtForceOld = [] self.trigger_reset_particle_drag = False self.trigger_set_particle_drag = False self.depth = 0 # LOOK FOR LB ACTOR lb_types = [] if espressomd.has_features('CUDA'): lb_types.append( for actor in self.system.actors: if isinstance(actor, tuple(lb_types)): self.lb_params = actor.get_params() = actor self.lb_is_cpu = isinstance(actor, break if self.specs['LB_draw_velocity_plane']: if self.specs['LB_plane_axis'] == 0: pn = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b1 = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] elif self.specs['LB_plane_axis'] == 1: pn = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b1 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] else: pn = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] self.lb_plane_b1 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b2 = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] self.lb_plane_b1 *= self.system.box_l self.lb_plane_b2 *= self.system.box_l self.lb_plane_p = np.array(pn) * self.specs['LB_plane_dist'] self.lb_arrow_radius = self.system.box_l[ self.specs['LB_plane_axis']] * self.specs['LB_vel_radius_scale'] self.lb_min_vel = np.array([-1e-6] * 3) self.lb_max_vel = np.array([1e-6] * 3) self.lb_vel_range = self.lb_max_vel - self.lb_min_vel self.lb_min_dens = np.array([0] * 3) self.lb_max_dens = np.array([0] * 3) self._update_lb_velocity_plane() self._box_size_dependence() def _box_size_dependence(self): # initialize properties that depend on the box geometry if self.specs['draw_cells'] or self.specs['draw_nodes']: self._update_nodes() if self.specs['draw_cells']: self._update_cells() self.box_eqn = np.full((6, 4), np.nan) # set face normals of box self.box_eqn[:3, :3] = np.identity(3) self.box_eqn[3:, :3] = -np.identity(3) # set face parameters of box self.box_eqn[:3, 3] = 0.001 * self.system.box_l self.box_eqn[3:, 3] = 1.001 * self.system.box_l = np.array(self.system.box_l) * 0.5 def _init_controls(self): # initialize mouse/keyboard event listeners # mouse look/rotate/drag self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( None, MouseFireEvent.FreeMotion, self._mouse_motion)) self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( 3, MouseFireEvent.ButtonPressed, self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( 4, MouseFireEvent.ButtonPressed, # left mouse button to start/stop drag if self.specs['drag_enabled']: self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, MouseFireEvent.ButtonPressed, self._set_particle_drag, True)) self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, MouseFireEvent.ButtonReleased, self._reset_particle_drag, True)) # left mouse button for particle information self.mouse_manager.register_button(MouseButtonEvent( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, MouseFireEvent.DoubleClick, self._get_particle_info, True)) # left/right arrows to cycle through particles self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_KEY_LEFT, KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed, self._previous_particle_info)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed, self._next_particle_info)) # <space> key to pause integration thread self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( ' ', KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed, self._pause, True)) # <return> key to take screenshot self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( '\x0d', KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed, self._trigger_screenshot, True)) # <escape> key to quit self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( '\x1b', KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed, self._quit, True)) # camera control via keyboard self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'w', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 's', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'a', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'd', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'e', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'q', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'c', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'z', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'r', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'f', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 't', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) self.keyboard_manager.register_button(KeyboardButtonEvent( 'g', KeyboardFireEvent.Hold,, True)) def _quit(self): self.quit_safely = True def _pause(self): self.paused = not self.paused def _trigger_screenshot(self): self.take_screenshot = True # asynchronous parallel calls to glLight() causes segfaults, so only change # light at central display() method and trigger changes def _set_camera_spotlight(self): if self.specs['spotlight_enabled']: p = fp = [p[0], p[1], p[2], 1] OpenGL.GL.glLightfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_POSITION, fp) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, def _init_camera(self): b = np.array(self.system.box_l) box_diag = np.linalg.norm(b) box_center = b * 0.5 if self.specs['camera_position'] == 'auto': cp = [box_center[0], box_center[1], b[2] * 3] else: cp = self.specs['camera_position'] if self.specs['camera_target'] == 'auto': ct = box_center else: ct = self.specs['camera_target'] cr = np.array(self.specs['camera_right']) self._set_camera_spotlight() return Camera(cam_pos=np.array(cp), cam_target=ct, cam_right=cr, move_speed=0.5 * box_diag / 17.0, center=box_center) def _init_opengl(self): OpenGL.GLUT.glutInit(self.specs['name']) OpenGL.GLUT.glutInitDisplayMode( OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOUBLE | OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_RGB | OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DEPTH) OpenGL.GLUT.glutInitWindowSize(self.specs['window_size'][0], self.specs['window_size'][1]) OpenGL.GLUT.glutCreateWindow(b"ESPResSo visualization") OpenGL.GL.glClearColor(self.specs['background_color'][0], self.specs['background_color'][1], self.specs['background_color'][2], 1.) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_BLEND) OpenGL.GL.glBlendFunc( OpenGL.GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, OpenGL.GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_POINT_SMOOTH) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) OpenGL.GL.glHint(OpenGL.GL.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, OpenGL.GL.GL_NICEST) # bad for transparent particles # OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_CULL_FACE) # OpenGL.GL.glCullFace(OpenGL.GL.GL_BACK) OpenGL.GL.glLineWidth(2.0) OpenGL.GLUT.glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(1) # setup lighting if self.specs['light_size'] == 'auto': box_diag = np.linalg.norm(self.system.box_l) self.specs['light_size'] = box_diag * 2.0 OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHTING) # LIGHT0 if self.specs['light_pos'] != 'auto': OpenGL.GL.glLightfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_POSITION, np.array(self.specs['light_pos']).tolist()) else: OpenGL.GL.glLightfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_POSITION, (np.array(self.system.box_l) * 1.1).tolist()) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_AMBIENT, self.specs['light_colors'][0]) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_DIFFUSE, self.specs['light_colors'][1]) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPECULAR, self.specs['light_colors'][2]) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 1.0 / self.specs['light_brightness']) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 1.0 / self.specs['light_size']) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT0) # LIGHT1: spotlight on camera in look direction if self.specs['spotlight_enabled']: OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_POSITION, [0, 0, 0, 1]) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_AMBIENT, self.specs['spotlight_colors'][0]) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_DIFFUSE, self.specs['spotlight_colors'][1]) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPECULAR, self.specs['spotlight_colors'][2]) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, self.specs['spotlight_angle']) OpenGL.GL.glLightfv( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) OpenGL.GL.glLightf(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, self.specs['spotlight_focus']) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 1.0 / self.specs['spotlight_brightness']) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glLightf( OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1, OpenGL.GL.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(OpenGL.GL.GL_LIGHT1) self.dl_sphere = OpenGL.GL.glGenLists(1)
[docs]class Shape(): """ Shape base class in the visualizer context. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): self.shape = shape self.particle_type = particle_type self.color = color self.material = material self.quality = quality self.box_l = box_l self.rasterize_resolution = rasterize_resolution self.pointsize = rasterize_pointsize self.rasterized_surface_points = None
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw shape via rasterization. Used as a default draw method. Can and should be overwritten in child classes to implement a better draw method. """ # get and store points of rasterized surface if not already present if self.rasterized_surface_points is None: self.rasterized_surface_points = self._rasterize_shape() set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GL.glPointSize(self.pointsize) OpenGL.GL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL.GL_POINTS) for point in self.rasterized_surface_points: OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(point[0], point[1], point[2]) OpenGL.GL.glEnd()
def _rasterize_shape(self): # rasterize brute force spacing = max(self.box_l) / self.rasterize_resolution resolution = np.array(self.box_l) / spacing points = [] for i in range(int(resolution[0])): for j in range(int(resolution[1])): for k in range(int(resolution[2])): # some shapes may not have a well-defined distance function in the whole domain # and may throw upon asking for a distance try: p = np.array([i, j, k]) * spacing dist, vec = self.shape.call_method( "calc_distance", position=p.tolist()) if not np.isnan(vec).any() and not np.isnan( dist) and abs(dist) < spacing: points.append((p - vec).tolist()) # domain error translates to ValueError (cython) except ValueError: continue return points
[docs]class Cylinder(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Cylinder. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('center')) self.axis = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('axis')) self.length = self.shape.get_parameter('length') self.radius = self.shape.get_parameter('radius') = self.shape.get_parameter('open') self.cap_center_1 = - self.axis / \ np.linalg.norm(self.axis) * 0.5 * self.length self.cap_center_2 = + self.axis / \ np.linalg.norm(self.axis) * 0.5 * self.length
[docs] def draw(self): draw_cylinder(self.cap_center_1, self.cap_center_2, self.radius, self.color, self.material, self.quality, draw_caps=not
[docs]class Ellipsoid(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Ellipsoid. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('center')) self.semiaxis_a = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('a')) self.semiaxis_b = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('b')) self.semiaxis_c = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('b'))
[docs] def draw(self): set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef([0],[1],[2]) OpenGL.GL.glScalef(self.semiaxis_a, self.semiaxis_b, self.semiaxis_c) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidSphere(1, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class HollowConicalFrustum(Shape): """ Drawable Shape HollowConicalFrustum. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) ctp = self.shape.get_parameter('cyl_transform_params') = np.array( self.axis = np.array(ctp.axis) self.orientation = np.array(ctp.orientation) self.radius_1 = self.shape.get_parameter('r1') self.radius_2 = self.shape.get_parameter('r2') self.length = self.shape.get_parameter('length') self.thickness = self.shape.get_parameter('thickness') self.central_angle = self.shape.get_parameter('central_angle')
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw using OpenGL Extrusion library, if available. Use rasterization of base class, otherwise. """ if bool(OpenGL.GLE.gleSpiral) and self.central_angle == 0.: self._draw_using_gle() else: super().draw()
# if available, use the GL Extrusion library def _draw_using_gle(self): set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() # basic position and orientation OpenGL.GL.glTranslate([0],[1],[2]) ax, rx, ry = rotation_helper(self.axis) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.0) n = max(20, self.quality) rotation_angle = np.arctan( (self.radius_1 - self.radius_2) / self.length) l = self.length / np.cos(rotation_angle) contour = [] for theta in np.linspace(-0.5 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi, n): contour.append([np.sin(theta) * 0.5 * self.thickness, np.cos(theta) * 0.5 * self.thickness + 0.5 * l]) for theta in np.linspace(0.5 * np.pi, -0.5 * np.pi, n): contour.append([np.sin(theta) * 0.5 * self.thickness, -np.cos(theta) * 0.5 * self.thickness - 0.5 * l]) contour = np.matmul(np.array(contour), np.array([[np.cos(rotation_angle), -np.sin(rotation_angle)], [np.sin(rotation_angle), np.cos(rotation_angle)]])) normals = np.diff(np.array(contour), axis=0) normals /= np.linalg.norm(normals, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True) normals = np.roll(normals, 1, axis=1) OpenGL.GLE.gleSetJoinStyle(OpenGL.GLE.TUBE_JN_ANGLE) OpenGL.GLE.gleSetNumSides(max(90, 3 * self.quality)) OpenGL.GLE.gleSpiral(contour, normals, [0, 0, 1], 0.5 * (self.radius_1 + self.radius_2), 0., 0., 0., [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], 0., 360) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class SimplePore(Shape): """ Drawable Shape SimplePore. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('center')) self.axis = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('axis')) self.length = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('length')) self.radius = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('radius')) self.smoothing_radius = np.array( self.shape.get_parameter('smoothing_radius')) self.max_box_l = max(box_l)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw using OpenGL Extrusion library, if available. Use OpenGL primitives + clip planes, otherwise. """ set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() # basic position and orientation OpenGL.GL.glTranslate([0],[1],[2]) ax, rx, ry = rotation_helper(self.axis) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.0) if bool(OpenGL.GLE.gleSpiral): self._draw_using_gle() else: self._draw_using_primitives() OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
def _draw_using_gle(self): # if available, use the GL Extrusion library if bool(OpenGL.GLE.gleSpiral): n = max(10, self.quality // 3) contour = [[0.5 * self.max_box_l, -0.5 * self.length]] for theta in np.linspace(0, 0.5 * np.pi, n): contour.append([(1. - np.sin(theta)) * self.smoothing_radius, -0.5 * self.length + (1. - np.cos(theta)) * self.smoothing_radius]) for theta in np.linspace(0.5 * np.pi, np.pi, n): contour.append([(1. - np.sin(theta)) * self.smoothing_radius, 0.5 * self.length - (1. + np.cos(theta)) * self.smoothing_radius]) contour.append([0.5 * self.max_box_l, 0.5 * self.length]) normals = np.diff(np.array(contour), axis=0) normals /= np.linalg.norm(normals, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True) normals = np.roll(normals, 1, axis=1) normals[:, 0] *= -1 OpenGL.GLE.gleSetJoinStyle(OpenGL.GLE.TUBE_JN_ANGLE) OpenGL.GLE.gleSetNumSides(max(90, 3 * self.quality)) OpenGL.GLE.gleSpiral(contour, normals, [0, 0, 1], self.radius, 0., 0., 0., [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], 0., 360) def _draw_using_primitives(self): clip_plane = get_extra_clip_plane() # cylinder OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(0, 0, -0.5 * self.length + self.smoothing_radius) quadric = OpenGL.GLU.gluNewQuadric() OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.radius, self.radius, self.length - 2 * self.smoothing_radius, self.quality, self.quality) # torus segment OpenGL.GL.glEnable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (0, 0, -1, 0)) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidTorus( self.smoothing_radius, self.radius + self.smoothing_radius, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(clip_plane) # wall OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(0, 0, -self.smoothing_radius) OpenGL.GLU.gluPartialDisk(quadric, self.radius + self.smoothing_radius, 2.0 * self.max_box_l, self.quality, 1, 0, 360) # torus segment OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(0, 0, self.length - self.smoothing_radius) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (0, 0, 1, 0)) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidTorus( self.smoothing_radius, self.radius + self.smoothing_radius, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(clip_plane) # wall OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(0, 0, self.smoothing_radius) OpenGL.GLU.gluPartialDisk(quadric, self.radius + self.smoothing_radius, 2.0 * self.max_box_l, self.quality, 1, 0, 360) OpenGL.GLU.gluDeleteQuadric(quadric)
[docs]class Slitpore(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Slitpore. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) self.channel_width = np.array( self.shape.get_parameter('channel_width')) self.lower_smoothing_radius = np.array( self.shape.get_parameter('lower_smoothing_radius')) self.upper_smoothing_radius = np.array( self.shape.get_parameter('upper_smoothing_radius')) self.pore_length = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('pore_length')) self.pore_mouth = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('pore_mouth')) self.pore_width = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('pore_width')) self.dividing_plane = np.array( self.shape.get_parameter('dividing_plane')) self.max_box_l = max(self.box_l)
[docs] def draw(self): set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) # If pore is large, an additional wall is necessary if self.pore_width > 2. * self.lower_smoothing_radius: wall_0 = [ [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width + self.lower_smoothing_radius, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width - self.lower_smoothing_radius, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width - self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width + self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length]] draw_plane(wall_0, self.color, self.material) # Add the remaining walls wall_1 = [ [0., 0., self.channel_width + self.pore_mouth], [self.max_box_l, 0., self.channel_width + self.pore_mouth], [self.max_box_l, self.max_box_l, self.channel_width + self.pore_mouth], [0., self.max_box_l, self.channel_width + self.pore_mouth]] wall_2 = [ [0., 0., self.pore_mouth], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width - self.upper_smoothing_radius, 0., self.pore_mouth], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width - self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth], [0., self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth]] wall_3 = [ [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width + self.upper_smoothing_radius, 0., self.pore_mouth], [self.max_box_l, 0., self.pore_mouth], [self.max_box_l, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width + self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth]] wall_4 = [ [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.upper_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.upper_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length + self.lower_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane - 0.5 * self.pore_width, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length + self.lower_smoothing_radius]] wall_5 = [ [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.upper_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.upper_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width, self.max_box_l, self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length + self.lower_smoothing_radius], [self.dividing_plane + 0.5 * self.pore_width, 0., self.pore_mouth - self.pore_length + self.lower_smoothing_radius]] draw_plane(wall_1, self.color, self.material) draw_plane(wall_2, self.color, self.material) draw_plane(wall_3, self.color, self.material) draw_plane(wall_4, self.color, self.material) draw_plane(wall_5, self.color, self.material) # Add smooth edges via clipped cylinders ax, rx, ry = rotation_helper([0., 1., 0.]) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() quadric = OpenGL.GLU.gluNewQuadric() OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(self.dividing_plane - self.upper_smoothing_radius - 0.5 * self.pore_width, 0, self.pore_mouth - self.upper_smoothing_radius) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.) # Upper edges clip_plane = get_extra_clip_plane() OpenGL.GL.glEnable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (1, -1, 0, -self.upper_smoothing_radius)) OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(self.pore_width + 2. * self.upper_smoothing_radius, 0, 0) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (-1, -1, 0, -self.upper_smoothing_radius)) OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.upper_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.quality, self.quality) # Lower edges OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(- self.upper_smoothing_radius - self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.pore_length - self.upper_smoothing_radius - self.lower_smoothing_radius, 0) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (1, 1, 0, -self.lower_smoothing_radius)) OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(-self.pore_width + 2. * self.lower_smoothing_radius, 0, 0) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (-1, 1, 0, -self.lower_smoothing_radius)) OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.lower_smoothing_radius, self.max_box_l, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GLU.gluDeleteQuadric(quadric) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class Sphere(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Sphere. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) = self.shape.get_parameter('center') self.radius = self.shape.get_parameter('radius')
[docs] def draw(self): OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef([0],[1],[2]) set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidSphere(self.radius, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class Spherocylinder(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Spherocylinder. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('center')) self.axis = np.array(self.shape.get_parameter('axis')) self.length = self.shape.get_parameter('length') self.radius = self.shape.get_parameter('radius') self.cap_center_1 = - self.axis / \ np.linalg.norm(self.axis) * 0.5 * self.length self.cap_center_2 = + self.axis / \ np.linalg.norm(self.axis) * 0.5 * self.length
[docs] def draw(self): set_solid_material(self.color, self.material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() quadric = OpenGL.GLU.gluNewQuadric() d = self.cap_center_2 - self.cap_center_1 if d[2] == 0.0: d[2] = 0.0001 v = np.linalg.norm(d) if v == 0: ax = 57.2957795 else: ax = 57.2957795 * math.acos(d[2] / v) if d[2] < 0.0: ax = -ax rx = -d[1] * d[2] ry = d[0] * d[2] length = np.linalg.norm(d) OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef( self.cap_center_1[0], self.cap_center_1[1], self.cap_center_1[2]) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.0) # First hemispherical cap clip_plane = get_extra_clip_plane() OpenGL.GL.glEnable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (0, 0, -1, 0)) OpenGL.GLU.gluSphere(quadric, self.radius, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(clip_plane) # Cylinder OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, self.radius, self.radius, length, self.quality, self.quality) # Second hemispherical cap OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(0, 0, v) OpenGL.GL.glEnable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GL.glClipPlane(clip_plane, (0, 0, 1, 0)) OpenGL.GLU.gluSphere(quadric, self.radius, self.quality, self.quality) OpenGL.GL.glDisable(clip_plane) OpenGL.GLU.gluDeleteQuadric(quadric) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class Wall(Shape): """ Drawable Shape Wall. """ def __init__(self, shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize): super().__init__(shape, particle_type, color, material, quality, box_l, rasterize_resolution, rasterize_pointsize) self.distance = self.shape.get_parameter('dist') self.normal = self.shape.get_parameter('normal') self.box_diag = np.linalg.norm(self.box_l) self.edges = self._edges_from_pn(self.distance * np.array(self.normal), self.normal, 2 * self.box_diag) @staticmethod def _get_tangents(n): n = np.array(n) v1 = np.random.randn(3) v1 -= * n / np.linalg.norm(n)**2 v2 = np.cross(n, v1) v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1) v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v2) return v1, v2 def _edges_from_pn(self, p, n, diag): v1, v2 = self._get_tangents(n) edges = [p + diag * v1, p + diag * v2, p - diag * v1, p - diag * v2] return edges
[docs] def draw(self): draw_plane(self.edges, self.color, self.material)
[docs]def set_solid_material(color, material=(0.6, 1.0, 0.1, 0.4, 1.0)): OpenGL.GL.glMaterialfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL.GL_AMBIENT, [ color[0] * material[0], color[1] * material[0], color[2] * material[0], material[4]]) OpenGL.GL.glMaterialfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL.GL_DIFFUSE, [ color[0] * material[1], color[1] * material[1], color[2] * material[1], material[4]]) OpenGL.GL.glMaterialfv(OpenGL.GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL.GL_SPECULAR, [ color[0] * material[2], color[1] * material[2], color[2] * material[2], material[4]]) OpenGL.GL.glMaterialf( OpenGL.GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL.GL_SHININESS, int(material[3] * 128))
[docs]def draw_box(p0, s, color, material, width): OpenGL.GL.glLineWidth(width) set_solid_material(color, material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]) OpenGL.GL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL.GL_LINE_LOOP) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], 0.0, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], s[1], 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0, s[1], 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glEnd() OpenGL.GL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL.GL_LINE_LOOP) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], 0.0, s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], s[1], s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0, s[1], s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glEnd() OpenGL.GL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL.GL_LINES) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], 0.0, 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], 0.0, s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], s[1], 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(s[0], s[1], s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, s[1], 0.0) OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(0.0, s[1], s[2]) OpenGL.GL.glEnd() OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]def draw_plane(corners, color, material): set_solid_material(color, material) OpenGL.GL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL.GL_QUADS) for c in corners: OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(c[0], c[1], c[2]) OpenGL.GL.glEnd()
[docs]def draw_cylinder(posA, posB, radius, color, material, quality, draw_caps=False): set_solid_material(color, material) OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() quadric = OpenGL.GLU.gluNewQuadric() d = posB - posA # angle,t,length = calcAngle(d) length = np.linalg.norm(d) OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2]) ax, rx, ry = rotation_helper(d) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.0) OpenGL.GLU.gluCylinder(quadric, radius, radius, length, quality, quality) if draw_caps: OpenGL.GLU.gluDisk(quadric, 0, radius, quality, quality) OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(0, 0, length) OpenGL.GLU.gluDisk(quadric, 0, radius, quality, quality) OpenGL.GLU.gluDeleteQuadric(quadric) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]def rotation_helper(d): # the rotation axis is the cross product between z and d vz = np.cross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], d) # get the angle using a dot product norm = np.linalg.norm(d) angle = np.nan if norm != 0.: angle = 180.0 / np.pi * math.acos(d[2] / norm) return angle, vz[0], vz[1]
[docs]def draw_arrow(pos, d, radius, color, material, quality): pos2 = np.array(pos) + np.array(d) draw_cylinder(pos, pos2, radius, color, material, quality) ax, rx, ry = rotation_helper(d) if math.isnan(ax): return OpenGL.GL.glPushMatrix() OpenGL.GL.glTranslatef(pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2]) OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(ax, rx, ry, 0.0) OpenGL.GLUT.glutSolidCone(radius * 3, radius * 3, quality, quality) OpenGL.GL.glPopMatrix()
[docs]class MouseFireEvent: """Event type of mouse button used for mouse callbacks. """ ButtonPressed = 0 FreeMotion = 1 ButtonMotion = 2 ButtonReleased = 3 DoubleClick = 4
[docs]class MouseButtonEvent: """Mouse event used for mouse callbacks. Stores button and callback. """ def __init__(self, button, fireEvent, callback, positional=False): self.button = button self.fireEvent = fireEvent self.callback = callback self.positional = positional
[docs]class MouseManager: """Handles mouse callbacks. """ def __init__(self): self.mousePos = np.array([0, 0]) self.mousePosOld = np.array([0, 0]) self.mouseEventsPressed = [] self.mouseEventsFreeMotion = [] self.mouseEventsButtonMotion = [] self.mouseEventsReleased = [] self.mouseEventsDoubleClick = [] self.mouseState = {OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP, '3': OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP, '4': OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP} self.pressedTime = {OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: 0, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: 0, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0} self.pressedTimeOld = {OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: 0, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: 0, OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
[docs] def register_button(self, mouseEvent): """Register mouse input callbacks. """ if mouseEvent.fireEvent == MouseFireEvent.ButtonPressed: self.mouseEventsPressed.append(mouseEvent) elif mouseEvent.fireEvent == MouseFireEvent.ButtonReleased: self.mouseEventsReleased.append(mouseEvent) elif mouseEvent.fireEvent == MouseFireEvent.FreeMotion: self.mouseEventsFreeMotion.append(mouseEvent) elif mouseEvent.fireEvent == MouseFireEvent.ButtonMotion: self.mouseEventsButtonMotion.append(mouseEvent) elif mouseEvent.fireEvent == MouseFireEvent.DoubleClick: self.mouseEventsDoubleClick.append(mouseEvent)
[docs] def mouse_click(self, button, state, x, y): self.mousePosOld = self.mousePos self.mousePos = np.array([x, y]) self.mouseState[button] = state for me in self.mouseEventsPressed: if me.button == button and state == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN: if me.positional: me.callback(self.mousePos, self.mousePosOld) else: me.callback() for me in self.mouseEventsReleased: if me.button == button and state == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_UP: if me.positional: me.callback(self.mousePos, self.mousePosOld) else: me.callback() if state == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN: self.pressedTimeOld[button] = self.pressedTime[button] self.pressedTime[button] = time.time() for me in self.mouseEventsDoubleClick: if me.button == button and state == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN and self.pressedTime[ button] - self.pressedTimeOld[button] < 0.25: if me.positional: me.callback(self.mousePos, self.mousePosOld) else: me.callback()
[docs] def mouse_move(self, x, y): self.mousePosOld = self.mousePos self.mousePos = np.array([x, y]) for me in self.mouseEventsFreeMotion: me.callback(self.mousePos, self.mousePosOld, self.mouseState)
[docs]class KeyboardFireEvent: """Event type of button used for keyboard callbacks. """ Pressed = 0 Hold = 1 Released = 2
[docs]class KeyboardButtonEvent: """Keyboard event used for keyboard callbacks. Stores button, event type and callback. """ def __init__(self, button, fireEvent, callback, internal=False): self.button = button self.fireEvent = fireEvent self.callback = callback self.internal = internal
[docs]class KeyboardManager: """Handles keyboard callbacks. """ def __init__(self): self.pressedKeys = set([]) self.keyStateOld = {} self.keyState = {} self.buttonEventsPressed = [] self.buttonEventsHold = [] self.buttonEventsReleased = [] self.userCallbackStack = []
[docs] def register_button(self, buttonEvent): """Register keyboard input callbacks. """ if buttonEvent.fireEvent == KeyboardFireEvent.Pressed: self.buttonEventsPressed.append(buttonEvent) elif buttonEvent.fireEvent == KeyboardFireEvent.Hold: self.buttonEventsHold.append(buttonEvent) elif buttonEvent.fireEvent == KeyboardFireEvent.Released: self.buttonEventsReleased.append(buttonEvent)
[docs] def callback_on_button(self, be, b): if be.button == b: if be.internal: be.callback() else: self.userCallbackStack.append(be.callback)
[docs] def handle_input(self): removeKeys = set([]) for b in self.pressedKeys: if self.keyStateOld[b] == 0 and self.keyState[b] == 1: for be in self.buttonEventsPressed: self.callback_on_button(be, b) for be in self.buttonEventsHold: self.callback_on_button(be, b) elif self.keyStateOld[b] == 1 and self.keyState[b] == 1: for be in self.buttonEventsHold: self.callback_on_button(be, b) elif self.keyStateOld[b] == 1 and self.keyState[b] == 0: for be in self.buttonEventsReleased: self.callback_on_button(be, b) removeKeys.add(b) self.keyStateOld[b] = self.keyState[b] self.pressedKeys = self.pressedKeys.difference(removeKeys)
[docs] def keyboard_up(self, button): self.keyState[button] = 0 # Key up
[docs] def keyboard_down(self, button): self.pressedKeys.add(button) self.keyState[button] = 1 # Key down if button not in self.keyStateOld.keys(): self.keyStateOld[button] = 0
[docs]class Camera: def __init__(self, cam_pos=np.array([0, 0, 1]), cam_target=np.array([0, 0, 0]), cam_right=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), move_speed=0.5, global_rot_speed=3.0, center=np.array([0, 0, 0])): self.cam_pos = cam_pos self.move_speed = move_speed self.global_rot_speed = global_rot_speed = center self.modelview = np.identity(4, np.float32) t = cam_pos - cam_target r = np.linalg.norm(t) self.state_target = -t / r self.state_right = cam_right / np.linalg.norm(cam_right) self.state_up = np.cross(self.state_right, self.state_target) self.state_pos = np.array([0, 0, r]) self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_forward(self): self.state_pos[2] += self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_backward(self): self.state_pos[2] -= self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_up(self): self.state_pos[1] += self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_down(self): self.state_pos[1] -= self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_left(self): self.state_pos[0] -= self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def move_right(self): self.state_pos[0] += self.move_speed self.update_modelview()
[docs] def rotate_system_XL(self): self.rotate_system_y(0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_system_XR(self): self.rotate_system_y(-0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_system_YL(self): self.rotate_system_z(0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_system_YR(self): self.rotate_system_z(-0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_system_ZL(self): self.rotate_system_x(0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_system_ZR(self): self.rotate_system_x(-0.01 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def rotate_camera(self, mouse_pos, mouse_pos_old, mouse_button_state): dm = mouse_pos - mouse_pos_old if mouse_button_state[OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON] == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN: if dm[0] != 0: self.rotate_system_y(-0.001 * dm[0] * self.global_rot_speed) if dm[1] != 0: self.rotate_system_x(-0.001 * dm[1] * self.global_rot_speed) elif mouse_button_state[OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON] == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN: self.state_pos[0] -= 0.05 * dm[0] * self.move_speed self.state_pos[1] += 0.05 * dm[1] * self.move_speed self.update_modelview() elif mouse_button_state[OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON] == OpenGL.GLUT.GLUT_DOWN: self.state_pos[2] += 0.05 * dm[1] * self.move_speed self.rotate_system_z(dm[0] * 0.001 * self.global_rot_speed)
[docs] def get_camera_rotation_matrix(self, target_vec, up_vec): normalized_target_vec = target_vec / np.linalg.norm(target_vec) normalized_up_vec = up_vec / np.linalg.norm(up_vec) perpendicular_normal = np.cross(normalized_up_vec, target_vec) rotation_matrix = np.identity(4, np.float32) rotation_matrix[:3, :3] = np.array( [perpendicular_normal, np.cross(normalized_target_vec, perpendicular_normal), normalized_target_vec]).T return rotation_matrix
[docs] def rotate_vector(self, vector, phi, axis): """ Rotate vector around (unit vector) axis by angle phi. Uses Rodrigues' rotation formula. """ rotated = vector * np.cos(phi) + np.cross(axis, vector) * np.sin(phi) \ + axis *, vector) * (1 - np.cos(phi)) return rotated
[docs] def rotate_system_x(self, angle): self.state_target = self.rotate_vector(self.state_target, angle, self.state_right) self.state_up = np.cross(self.state_right, self.state_target) self.update_modelview()
[docs] def rotate_system_y(self, angle): self.state_target = self.rotate_vector(self.state_target, angle, self.state_up) self.state_right = np.cross(self.state_target, self.state_up) self.update_modelview()
[docs] def rotate_system_z(self, angle): self.state_right = self.rotate_vector(self.state_right, angle, self.state_target) self.state_up = self.rotate_vector(self.state_up, angle, self.state_target) self.update_modelview()
[docs] def update_modelview(self): self.state_up /= np.linalg.norm(self.state_up) self.state_right /= np.linalg.norm(self.state_right) self.state_target /= np.linalg.norm(self.state_target) # Center Box trans = np.identity(4, np.float32) trans[3, :3] -= # Camera rotation rotate_cam = self.get_camera_rotation_matrix( -self.state_target, self.state_up) # System translation trans_cam = np.identity(4, np.float32) trans_cam[3, :3] -= self.state_pos self.modelview = c_xyz = -1 * np.mat(self.modelview[:3, :3]) * \ np.mat(self.modelview[3, :3]).T self.cam_pos = np.array([c_xyz[0, 0], c_xyz[1, 0], c_xyz[2, 0]])