Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems
No Matches
FFTBackend< FloatType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FFTBackend< FloatType >, including all inherited members.

backward_fft(FloatType *rs_mesh)=0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
check_complex_residualsFFTBackend< FloatType >
FFTBackend(P3MLocalMesh const &local_mesh)FFTBackend< FloatType >inlineexplicit
forward_fft(FloatType *rs_mesh)=0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
get_ca_mesh_size() const noexcept=0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
get_ks_pnum() const noexcept=0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
get_mesh_size() const =0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
get_mesh_start() const =0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
get_permutations() const =0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
init(P3MParameters const &params)=0FFTBackend< FloatType >pure virtual
local_meshFFTBackend< FloatType >protected
~FFTBackend()=defaultFFTBackend< FloatType >virtual