6. Integrators and thermostats

6.1. Particle integration and propagation

The main integration scheme of ESPResSo is the velocity Verlet algorithm. A steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize forces and torques in the system.

Additional integration schemes are available, which can be coupled to thermostats to enable Langevin dynamics, Brownian dynamics, Stokesian dynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, and simulations in the NpT ensemble.

6.2. Integrators

To run the integrator call the method system.integrator.run():

system.integrator.run(number_of_steps, recalc_forces=False, reuse_forces=False)

where number_of_steps is the number of time steps the integrator should perform.

The following sections detail the different integrators available.

6.2.1. Velocity Verlet algorithm

The velocity Verlet integrator is active by default. If you used a different integrator and want to switch back, use system.integrator.set_vv().

The Velocity Verlet algorithm is used for equations of motion of the general form


where xi, vi, mi are position, velocity and mass of particle i and Fi({xj},vi,t) the forces acting on it. The force Fi comprises all interactions of particle i with other particles j and external fields as well as contributions from thermostats, see Thermostats.

For numerical integration, the equation of motion is discretized to the following steps ([Rapaport, 2004] eqs. 3.5.8 - 3.5.10):

  1. Calculate the velocity at the half step

  2. Calculate the new position

  3. Calculate the force based on the new position

  4. Calculate the new velocity


Here, for simplicity, we have omitted the particle index i. Read, e.g., x as the position of all particles.

Note that this implementation of the velocity Verlet algorithm reuses forces in step 1. That is, they are computed once in step 3, but used twice, in step 4 and in step 1 of the next iteration. The first time the integrator is called, there are no forces present yet. Therefore, ESPResSo has to compute them before the first time step. That has two consequences: first, if thermostats are active, random forces are computed twice during the first time step, resulting in a narrower distribution of the random forces. Second, coupling forces of, e.g., the lattice-Boltzmann fluid cannot be computed and are therefore lacking in the first half time step. In order to minimize these effects, ESPResSo has a quite conservative heuristics to decide whether a change makes it necessary to recompute forces before the first time step. Therefore, calling espressomd.integrate.Integrator.run() 100 times with steps=1 is equivalent to calling it once with steps=100.

When resuming a simulation, you can either use the forces that are stored on the particles by using the additional parameter reuse_forces = True, or recalculate the forces again from the current configuration reuse_forces = False. Setting reuse_forces = True is useful when restarting a simulation from a checkpoint to obtain exactlty the same result as if the integration had continued without interruption. You can also use recalc_forces = True to recalculate forces even if they are already correctly computed.

6.2.2. Isotropic NpT integrator

Simuations in the NpT ensemble are performed with the isotropic NpT integrator set_isotropic_npt(). A code snippet would look like:

import espressomd

system = espressomd.System(box_l=[1, 1, 1])
system.thermostat.set_npt(kT=1.0, gamma0=1.0, gammav=1.0, seed=42)
system.integrator.set_isotropic_npt(ext_pressure=1.0, piston=1.0)

The parameters of the integrator are

  • ext_pressure: The external pressure

  • piston: The mass of the applied piston

  • direction: Flags to enable/disable box dimensions to be subject to fluctuations. By default, all directions are enabled.

Additionally, an NpT thermostat has to be set by set_npt() with parameters:

  • kT: Thermal energy of the heat bath

  • gamma0: Friction coefficient of the bath

  • gammav: Artificial friction coefficient for the volume fluctuations.

The physical meaning of these parameters and the equations of motion are described below. We recommend reading Langevin thermostat before continuing.

The relaxation towards a desired pressure P (parameter ext_pressure) is enabled by treating the box volume V as a degree of freedom with corresponding momentum Π=QV˙, where Q (parameter piston) is an artificial piston mass. Which box dimensions are affected to change the volume can be controlled by a list of boolean flags for parameter direction. An additional energy HV=1/(2Q)Π+PV associated with the volume is postulated. This results in a “force” on the box such that




is the instantaneous pressure, with d the dimension of the system (number of flags set by direction), fij the short range interaction force between particles i and j and xij=xjxi.

In addition to this deterministic force, a friction γVQΠ(t) and noise kBTγVη(t) are added for the box volume dynamics and the particle dynamics. This introduces three new parameters: The friction coefficient for the box γV (parameter gammav), the friction coefficient of the particles γ0 (parameter gamma0) and the thermal energy kBT (parameter kT). For a discussion of these terms and their discretisation, see Langevin thermostat, which uses the same approach, but only for particles. As a result of box geometry changes, the particle positions and velocities have to be rescaled during integration.

The discretisation consists of the following steps (see [Kolb and Dünweg, 1999] for a full derivation of the algorithm):

  1. Calculate the particle velocities at the half step

  2. Calculate the instantaneous pressure and “volume momentum”

  3. Calculate box volume and scaling parameter L at half step and full step, scale the simulation box accordingly

  4. Update particle positions and scale velocities

  5. Calculate forces, instantaneous pressure and “volume momentum”


    with uncorrelated numbers η drawn from a random uniform process.

  6. Update the velocities



  • The NpT algorithm is only tested for direction = 3 * [True]. Usage of other direction is considered an experimental feature.

  • In step 4, only those coordinates are scaled for which direction is set.

  • For the instantaneous pressure, the same limitations of applicability hold as described in Pressure.

  • The particle forces F include interactions as well as a friction (γ0) and noise term (kBTγ0dtη) analogous to the terms in the Langevin thermostat.

  • The particle forces are only calculated in step 5 and then reused in step 1 of the next iteration. See Velocity Verlet algorithm for the implications of that.

  • The NpT algorithm doesn’t support Lees–Edwards boundary conditions.

  • The NpT algorithm doesn’t support propagation of angular velocities.

6.2.3. Steepest descent

To activate steepest descent, use espressomd.integrate.IntegratorHandle.set_steepest_descent(). A code snippet could look like:

max_steps = 20 # maximal number of steps
    f_max=0, gamma=0.1, max_displacement=0.1)
system.integrator.set_vv()  # to switch back to velocity Verlet

The ‘equation of motion’ in discretised form reads


with rmax the maximal displacement, γ the friction coefficient, x the particle position, F the force on the particle, and Δt the time step.

This feature is used to propagate each particle by a small distance parallel to the force acting on it. When only conservative forces for which a potential exists are in use, this is equivalent to a steepest descent energy minimization. A common application is removing overlap between randomly placed particles. Please note that the behavior is undefined if a thermostat is activated, in which case the integrator will generate an error.

Steepest descent is applied while the maximal force/torque is bigger than f_max, or for at most max_steps times. The energy is relaxed by gamma, while the change per coordinate per step is limited to max_displacement. The combination of gamma and max_displacement can be used to get a poor man’s adaptive update. Rotational degrees of freedom are treated similarly: each particle is rotated around an axis parallel to the torque acting on the particle, with max_displacement interpreted as the maximal rotation angle in radians. Please be aware of the fact that this needs not to converge to a local minimum in periodic boundary conditions. Translational and rotational coordinates that are fixed using the fix and rotation attribute of particles are not altered. Using a custom convergence criterion

The f_max parameter can be set to zero to prevent the integrator from halting when a specific force/torque is reached. The integration can then be carried out in a loop with a custom convergence criterion:

min_dist_target = 1 # minimum distance that all particles should have

system.integrator.set_steepest_descent(f_max=0, gamma=10,
                                       max_displacement= 0.01)
# gradient descent until particles are separated by at least min_dist_target
min_dist = 0.0
while min_dist < min_dist_target:
    min_dist = system.analysis.min_dist()

When writing a custom convergence criterion based on forces or torques, keep in mind that particles whose motion and rotation are fixed in space along some or all axes with fix or rotation still experience forces and torques. Therefore, they need to be filtered from the force/torque observable used in the custom convergence criterion. A code snippet that achieves this filtering could look like:

particles = system.part.all()
max_force = np.max(np.linalg.norm(particles.f * np.logical_not(particles.fix), axis=1))
max_torque = np.max(np.linalg.norm(particles.torque_lab * np.logical_not(particles.rotation), axis=1))

Virtual sites can also be an issue since the force on the virtual site is transferred to the target particle at the beginning of the integration loop. The correct forces need to be re-calculated after running the integration:

def convergence_criterion(forces):
    '''Function that decides when the gradient descent has converged'''
    return ...
p1 = system.part.add(pos=[0, 0, 0], type=1)
p2 = system.part.add(pos=[0, 0, 0.1], type=1)
system.integrator.set_steepest_descent(f_max=800, gamma=1.0, max_displacement=0.01)
while convergence_criterion(system.part.all().f):
    system.integrator.run(0, recalc_forces=True)  # re-calculate forces from virtual sites

The algorithm can also be used for energy minimization:

# minimize until energy difference < 5% or energy < 1e-3
system.integrator.set_steepest_descent(f_max=0, gamma=1.0, max_displacement=0.01)
relative_energy_change = float('inf')
relative_energy_change_threshold = 0.05
energy_threshold = 1e-3
energy_old = system.analysis.energy()['total']
print(f'Energy: {energy_old:.2e}')
for i in range(20):
    energy = system.analysis.energy()['total']
    print(f'Energy: {energy:.2e}')
    relative_energy_change = (energy_old - energy) / energy_old
    if relative_energy_change < relative_energy_change_threshold or energy < energy_threshold:
    energy_old = energy
    print(f'Energy minimization did not converge in {i + 1} cycles')

Please note that not all features support energy calculation. For example IBM and OIF do not implement energy calculation for mesh surface deformation.

6.2.4. Brownian Dynamics

To activate Brownian dynamics, use espressomd.integrate.IntegratorHandle.set_brownian_dynamics(). A code snippet would look like:

import espressomd
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[1, 1, 1])
system.thermostat.set_brownian(kT=1.0, gamma=1.0, seed=41)

In addition to the integrator, the corresponding thermostat has to be set. The thermostat holds the parameters used in the Brownian equation of motion.

The particle trajectories are governed by


where Fi are all deterministic forces from interactions and ηi are random forces with zero mean and unit variance. This equation of motion follows from Langevin’s equation of motion (see Langevin thermostat) by setting the mass of the particle to zero.

ESPResSo’s discretisation is based on [Schlick, 2010], [Ermak and McCammon, 1978] and reads


where η are pseudo-random numbers with zero mean and unit variance (particle indices are omitted for clarity). Velocities are obtained directly from


Be aware that the velocity contains random terms and is therefore not continuous in time.

Rotational motion is implemented analogously. Note: the rotational Brownian dynamics implementation is only compatible with particles which have the isotropic moment of inertia tensor. Otherwise, the viscous terminal angular velocity is not defined, i.e., it has no constant direction.

6.2.5. Stokesian Dynamics




The Stokesian Dynamics method is used to model the behavior of spherical particles in a viscous fluid. It is targeted at systems with very low Reynolds numbers. In such systems, particles come to a rest almost immediately as soon as any force on them is removed. In other words, motion has no memory of the past.

The integration scheme is relatively simple. Only the particles’ positions, radii and forces (including torques) are needed to compute the momentary velocities (including angular velocities). The particle positions are integrated by the simple Euler scheme.

The computation of the velocities is an approximation with good results in the far field. The Stokesian Dynamics method is only available for open systems, i.e. no periodic boundary conditions are supported. The box size has no effect either.

The Stokesian Dynamics method is outlined in [Durlofsky et al., 1987].

The following minimal example illustrates how to use the SDM in ESPResSo:

import espressomd
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
system.periodicity = [False, False, False]
system.time_step = 0.01
system.cell_system.skin = 0.4
system.part.add(pos=[0, 0, 0], rotation=[True, False, False])
system.integrator.set_stokesian_dynamics(viscosity=1.0, radii={0: 1.0})

Because there is no force on the particle yet, nothing will move. You will need to add your own actors to the system. The parameter radii is a dictionary that maps particle types to different radii. viscosity is the dynamic viscosity of the ambient infinite fluid. There are additional optional parameters for set_stokesian_dynamics(). For more information, see espressomd.integrate.IntegratorHandle.set_stokesian_dynamics().

Note that this setup represents a system at zero temperature. In order to thermalize the system, the SD thermostat needs to be activated (see Stokesian thermostat).


The particles must be prevented from overlapping. It is mathematically allowed for the particles to overlap to a certain degree. However, once the distance of the sphere centers is less than 2/3 of the sphere diameter, the mobility matrix is no longer positive definite and the Stokesian Dynamics integrator will fail. Therefore, the particle centers must be kept apart from each other by a strongly repulsive potential, for example the WCA potential that is set to the appropriate particle radius (for more information about the available interaction types see Non-bonded interactions).

The current implementation of SD only includes the far field approximation. The near field (so-called lubrication) correction is planned. For now, Stokesian Dynamics provides a good approximation of the hydrodynamics in dilute systems where the average distance between particles is several sphere diameters.

6.3. Thermostats

To add a thermostat, call the appropriate setter, e.g.,

system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=1.0, gamma=1.0, seed=41)

The different thermostats available in ESPResSo will be described in the following subsections.

You may combine different thermostats by turning them on sequentially. Not all combinations of thermostats are sensible, though, and some thermostats only work with specific integrators. The list of possible combinations of integrators and thermostats is hardcoded and automatically checked against at the start of integration. Note that there is only one temperature for all thermostats. The list of active thermostats can be cleared at any time with system.thermostat.turn_off().

Since ESPResSo does not enforce a particular unit system, it cannot know about the current value of the Boltzmann constant. Therefore, instead of specifying the temperature, you have to provide a value for the thermal energy kBT in the current unit system (see the discussion on units, Section (On units)).

All thermostats have a seed argument that controls the state of the random number generator (Philox Counter-based RNG). This seed is required on first activation of a thermostat, unless stated otherwise. It can be omitted in subsequent calls of the method that activates the same thermostat. The random sequence also depends on the thermostats counters that are incremented after each integration step.

6.3.1. Langevin thermostat

In order to activate the Langevin thermostat the member function set_langevin() of the thermostat class espressomd.thermostat.Thermostat has to be invoked. Best explained in an example:

import espressomd
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[1, 1, 1])
system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=1.0, gamma=1.0, seed=41)

The temperature is set as thermal energy kBT.

The Langevin thermostat is based on an extension of Newton’s equation of motion to account for drag and collisions with a fluid:


Here, fi are all deterministic forces from interactions, γ the friction coefficient and η a random, “thermal” force. The friction term accounts for dissipation in a surrounding fluid whereas the random force mimics collisions of the particle with solvent molecules at temperature T and satisfies


(<> denotes the ensemble average and α,β are spatial coordinates).

In the ESPResSo implementation of the Langevin thermostat, the additional terms only enter in the force calculation. The general form of the equation of motion is still the same as for Newton’s equations, therefore the velocity Verlet integrator is used. The accuracy of the velocity Verlet integrator is reduced by one order in dt because forces are now velocity-dependent.

The random process η(t) is discretized by drawing an uncorrelated random numbers η for each particle. The distribution of η is uniform and satisfies


approximating the delta-correlation of the continuous equation.

If the feature ROTATION is compiled in, the rotational degrees of freedom are also coupled to the thermostat. If only the first two arguments are specified then the friction coefficient for the rotation is set to the same value as that for the translation. A separate rotational friction coefficient can be set by inputting gamma_rotation. The two options allow one to switch the translational and rotational thermalization on or off separately, maintaining the frictional behavior. This can be useful, for instance, in high Péclet number active matter systems, where one wants to thermalize only the rotational degrees of freedom while translational degrees of freedom are affected by the self-propulsion.

The keywords gamma and gamma_rotation can be specified as a scalar, or, with feature PARTICLE_ANISOTROPY compiled in, as the three eigenvalues of the respective friction coefficient tensor. This is enables the simulation of the anisotropic diffusion of anisotropic colloids (rods, etc.).

Using the Langevin thermostat, it is possible to set a temperature and a friction coefficient for every particle individually via the feature THERMOSTAT_PER_PARTICLE. Consult the reference of the part command (chapter Setting up particles) for information on how to achieve this.

6.3.2. Brownian thermostat

In order to activate the Brownian thermostat, the member function set_brownian of the thermostat class espressomd.thermostat.Thermostat has to be invoked. The system integrator must be also changed. For details, see Brownian Dynamics.

6.3.3. Isotropic NpT thermostat

This feature allows to simulate an (on average) homogeneous and isotropic system in the NpT ensemble. In order to use this feature, NPT has to be defined in the myconfig.hpp. Activate the NpT thermostat with the command set_npt() and setup the integrator for the NpT ensemble with set_isotropic_npt(). For details, see Isotropic NpT integrator.

Be aware that this feature is neither properly examined for all systems nor is it maintained regularly. If you use it and notice strange behavior, please contribute to solving the problem.

6.3.4. Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)

The DPD thermostat adds friction and noise to the particle dynamics like the Langevin thermostat, but these are not applied to every particle individually but instead encoded in a dissipative interaction between particles [Soddemann et al., 2003].

To realize a complete DPD fluid model in ESPResSo, three parts are needed: the DPD thermostat, which controls the temperature, a dissipative interaction between the particles that make up the fluid, see DPD interaction, and a repulsive conservative force, see Hat interaction.

The temperature is set via espressomd.thermostat.Thermostat.set_dpd() which takes kT and seed as arguments.

The friction coefficients and cutoff are controlled via the DPD interaction on a per type-pair basis.

The friction (dissipative) and noise (random) term are coupled via the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The friction term is a function of the relative velocity of particle pairs. In addition to the physics covered by the Langevin thermostat, the DPD thermostat mimics hydrodynamics in the system.

As a conservative force any interaction potential can be used, see Isotropic non-bonded interactions. A common choice is a force ramp which is implemented as Hat interaction.

A complete example of setting up a DPD fluid and running it to sample the equation of state can be found in /samples/dpd.py.

When using a Lennard-Jones interaction, rcut=216σ is a good value to choose, so that the thermostat acts on the relative velocities between nearest neighbor particles. Larger cutoffs including next nearest neighbors or even more are unphysical.

Boundary conditions for DPD can be introduced by adding the boundary as a particle constraint, and setting a velocity and a type on it, see espressomd.constraints.Constraint. Then a DPD interaction with the type can be defined, which acts as a boundary condition.

6.3.5. Lattice-Boltzmann thermostat

The Lattice-Boltzmann thermostat acts similar to the Langevin thermostat in that the governing equation for particles is


where u(x,t) is the fluid velocity at position x and time t. Different from the Langevin thermostat, here, the friction is calculated with respect to a moving fluid.

An LB fluid must be used to provide the fluid velocity, while also including hydrodynamic interactions between particles. The LB thermostat expects an instance of either espressomd.lb.LBFluidWalberla or espressomd.lb.LBFluidWalberlaGPU. Temperature is set via the kT argument of the LB fluid.

The magnitude of the frictional coupling can be adjusted by the parameter gamma. To enable the LB thermostat, use:

import espressomd
import espressomd.lb
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[8., 8., 8.])
system.time_step = 0.01
system.cell_system.skin = 0.4
lbf = espressomd.lb.LBFluidWalberla(agrid=1., tau=0.01, density=1.,
system.lb = lbf
system.thermostat.set_lb(LB_fluid=lbf, seed=123, gamma=1.5)
system.part.add(pos=[0., 0., 0.], ext_force=[0., 0., 1.])

Numerically the fluid velocity is determined from the lattice-Boltzmann node velocities by interpolating as described in Interpolating velocities. To preserve momentum, friction and random forces are also applied to the fluid, with equal magnitude and opposite sign. This backcoupling of forces on the fluid is done by distributing the forces amongst the nearest LB nodes. Details for both the interpolation and the force distribution can be found in [Ahlrichs and Dünweg, 1999] and [Dünweg and Ladd, 2009].

The LBM implementation provides a fully thermalized LB fluid, all nonconserved modes, including the pressure tensor, fluctuate correctly according to the given temperature and the relaxation parameters. All fluctuations can be switched off by setting the temperature to zero. The deterministic part of the hydrodynamic interaction is then still active.

If the LB thermostat is active, no other thermostatting mechanism is necessary. Please switch off any other thermostat before starting the LB thermostatting mechanism.


Coupling between LB and MD only happens if the LB thermostat is set with a γ>0.0.

6.3.6. Stokesian thermostat



In order to thermalize a Stokesian Dynamics simulation, the SD thermostat needs to be activated via:

import espressomd
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
system.periodicity = [False, False, False]
system.time_step = 0.01
system.cell_system.skin = 0.4
system.part.add(pos=[0, 0, 0], rotation=[True, False, False], ext_force=[0, 0, -1])
system.thermostat.set_stokesian(kT=1.0, seed=43)
system.integrator.set_stokesian_dynamics(viscosity=1.0, radii={0: 1.0})

where kT denotes the desired temperature of the system, and seed the seed for the random number generator. For details, see Stokesian Dynamics.