Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
3// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
4// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
5// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
6// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
11// for more details.
13// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
14// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
16//! \\file DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA.cpp
17//! \\author pystencils
20// kernel generated with pystencils v1.3.7, lbmpy v1.3.7, sympy v1.12.1, lbmpy_walberla/pystencils_walberla from waLBerla commit f36fa0a68bae59f0b516f6587ea8fa7c24a41141
23#include "core/DataTypes.h"
24#include "core/Macros.h"
25#include "gpu/ErrorChecking.h"
27#define FUNC_PREFIX __global__
29using namespace std;
31namespace walberla {
32namespace lbm {
34#if defined(__NVCC__)
35#define RESTRICT __restrict__
36#if defined(__NVCC_DIAG_PRAGMA_SUPPORT__)
37#pragma nv_diagnostic push
38#pragma nv_diag_suppress 177 // unused variable
40#pragma push
41#pragma diag_suppress 177 // unused variable
42#endif // defined(__NVCC_DIAG_PRAGMA_SUPPORT__)
43#elif defined(__clang__)
44#if defined(__CUDA__)
45#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
46// clang compiling CUDA code in device mode
47#define RESTRICT __restrict__
48#pragma clang diagnostic push
49#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
50#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
51#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
52#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
54// clang compiling CUDA code in host mode
55#define RESTRICT __restrict__
56#pragma clang diagnostic push
57#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
58#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
59#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
60#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
61#endif // defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
62#endif // defined(__CUDA__)
63#elif defined(__GNUC__) or defined(__GNUG__)
64#define RESTRICT __restrict__
65#pragma GCC diagnostic push
66#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
67#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
68#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
69#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
70#define RESTRICT __restrict
72#define RESTRICT
75// NOLINTBEGIN(readability-non-const-parameter*)
76namespace internal_dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA {
77static FUNC_PREFIX __launch_bounds__(256) void dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA(uint8_t *RESTRICT const _data_indexVector, double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs, int64_t const _stride_pdfs_0, int64_t const _stride_pdfs_1, int64_t const _stride_pdfs_2, int64_t const _stride_pdfs_3, int32_t indexVectorSize) {
79 const int32_t f_in_inv_dir_idx[] = {0, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 10, 9, 8, 7, 16, 15, 18, 17, 12, 11, 14, 13};
80 const int32_t f_in_inv_offsets_x[] = {0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1};
81 const int32_t f_in_inv_offsets_y[] = {0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0};
82 const int32_t f_in_inv_offsets_z[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
84 const double weights[] = {((double)(0.33333333333333333)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.055555555555555556)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778)), ((double)(0.027777777777777778))};
86 const int32_t neighbour_offset_x[] = {0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1};
87 const int32_t neighbour_offset_y[] = {0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0};
88 const int32_t neighbour_offset_z[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
90 if (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x < indexVectorSize) {
91 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_10 = _data_indexVector;
92 const int32_t x = *((int32_t *)(&_data_indexVector_10[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x]));
93 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_14 = _data_indexVector + 4;
94 const int32_t y = *((int32_t *)(&_data_indexVector_14[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x]));
95 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_18 = _data_indexVector + 8;
96 const int32_t z = *((int32_t *)(&_data_indexVector_18[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x]));
97 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_112 = _data_indexVector + 12;
98 const int32_t dir = *((int32_t *)(&_data_indexVector_112[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x]));
99 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_310 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 10 * _stride_pdfs_3;
100 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_314 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 14 * _stride_pdfs_3;
101 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_318 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 18 * _stride_pdfs_3;
102 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_34 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 4 * _stride_pdfs_3;
103 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_38 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 8 * _stride_pdfs_3;
104 const double vel0Term = _data_pdfs_10_20_310[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_314[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_318[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_34[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_38[_stride_pdfs_0 * x];
105 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_31 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + _stride_pdfs_3;
106 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_311 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 11 * _stride_pdfs_3;
107 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_315 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 15 * _stride_pdfs_3;
108 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_37 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 7 * _stride_pdfs_3;
109 const double vel1Term = _data_pdfs_10_20_311[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_315[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_31[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_37[_stride_pdfs_0 * x];
110 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_312 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 12 * _stride_pdfs_3;
111 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_313 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 13 * _stride_pdfs_3;
112 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_35 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 5 * _stride_pdfs_3;
113 const double vel2Term = _data_pdfs_10_20_312[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_313[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_35[_stride_pdfs_0 * x];
114 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_30 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z;
115 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_316 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 16 * _stride_pdfs_3;
116 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_317 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 17 * _stride_pdfs_3;
117 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_32 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 2 * _stride_pdfs_3;
118 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_33 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 3 * _stride_pdfs_3;
119 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_36 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 6 * _stride_pdfs_3;
120 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20_39 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + 9 * _stride_pdfs_3;
121 const double rho = vel0Term + vel1Term + vel2Term + _data_pdfs_10_20_30[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_316[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_317[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_32[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_33[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_36[_stride_pdfs_0 * x] + _data_pdfs_10_20_39[_stride_pdfs_0 * x];
122 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs582130af3d909897 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_1 * f_in_inv_offsets_y[dir] + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + _stride_pdfs_2 * f_in_inv_offsets_z[dir] + _stride_pdfs_3 * f_in_inv_dir_idx[dir];
123 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_116 = _data_indexVector + 16;
124 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_124 = _data_indexVector + 24;
125 uint8_t *RESTRICT _data_indexVector_132 = _data_indexVector + 32;
126 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs_10_20fc4162366eb9c5b1 = _data_pdfs + _stride_pdfs_1 * y + _stride_pdfs_2 * z + _stride_pdfs_3 * dir;
127 _data_pdfs582130af3d909897[_stride_pdfs_0 * x + _stride_pdfs_0 * f_in_inv_offsets_x[dir]] = -rho * (6.0 * ((double)(neighbour_offset_x[dir])) * *((double *)(&_data_indexVector_116[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x])) + 6.0 * ((double)(neighbour_offset_y[dir])) * *((double *)(&_data_indexVector_124[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x])) + 6.0 * ((double)(neighbour_offset_z[dir])) * *((double *)(&_data_indexVector_132[40 * blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 40 * threadIdx.x]))) * weights[dir] + _data_pdfs_10_20fc4162366eb9c5b1[_stride_pdfs_0 * x];
128 }
130} // namespace internal_dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA
132// NOLINTEND(readability-non-const-parameter*)
134#if defined(__NVCC__)
135#if defined(__NVCC_DIAG_PRAGMA_SUPPORT__)
136#pragma nv_diagnostic pop
138#pragma pop
139#endif // defined(__NVCC_DIAG_PRAGMA_SUPPORT__)
140#elif defined(__clang__)
141#if defined(__CUDA__)
142#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
143// clang compiling CUDA code in device mode
144#pragma clang diagnostic pop
146// clang compiling CUDA code in host mode
147#pragma clang diagnostic pop
148#endif // defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
149#endif // defined(__CUDA__)
150#elif defined(__GNUC__) or defined(__GNUG__)
151#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
154void DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA::run_impl(IBlock *block, IndexVectors::Type type, gpuStream_t stream) {
155 auto *indexVectors = block->getData<IndexVectors>(indexVectorID);
156 int32_t indexVectorSize = int32_c(indexVectors->indexVector(type).size());
157 if (indexVectorSize == 0)
158 return;
160 auto pointer = indexVectors->pointerGpu(type);
162 uint8_t *_data_indexVector = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(pointer);
164 auto pdfs = block->getData<gpu::GPUField<double>>(pdfsID);
166 WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL(0, -int_c(pdfs->nrOfGhostLayers()))
167 double *RESTRICT _data_pdfs = pdfs->dataAt(0, 0, 0, 0);
168 const int64_t _stride_pdfs_0 = int64_t(pdfs->xStride());
169 const int64_t _stride_pdfs_1 = int64_t(pdfs->yStride());
170 const int64_t _stride_pdfs_2 = int64_t(pdfs->zStride());
171 const int64_t _stride_pdfs_3 = int64_t(1 * int64_t(pdfs->fStride()));
172 dim3 _block(uint32_c(((256 < indexVectorSize) ? 256 : indexVectorSize)), uint32_c(1), uint32_c(1));
173 dim3 _grid(uint32_c(((indexVectorSize) % (((256 < indexVectorSize) ? 256 : indexVectorSize)) == 0 ? (int64_t)(indexVectorSize) / (int64_t)(((256 < indexVectorSize) ? 256 : indexVectorSize)) : ((int64_t)(indexVectorSize) / (int64_t)(((256 < indexVectorSize) ? 256 : indexVectorSize))) + 1)), uint32_c(1), uint32_c(1));
174 internal_dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA::dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA<<<_grid, _block, 0, stream>>>(_data_indexVector, _data_pdfs, _stride_pdfs_0, _stride_pdfs_1, _stride_pdfs_2, _stride_pdfs_3, indexVectorSize);
177void DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA::run(IBlock *block, gpuStream_t stream) {
178 run_impl(block, IndexVectors::ALL, stream);
182 run_impl(block, IndexVectors::INNER, stream);
186 run_impl(block, IndexVectors::OUTER, stream);
189} // namespace lbm
190} // namespace walberla
\file AdvectiveFluxKernel_double_precision.cpp \author pystencils
#define RESTRICT
\file AdvectiveFluxKernel_double_precision.h \author pystencils
void run(IBlock *block, gpuStream_t stream=nullptr)
void inner(IBlock *block, gpuStream_t stream=nullptr)
void outer(IBlock *block, gpuStream_t stream=nullptr)
cudaStream_t stream[1]
CUDA streams for parallel computing on CPU and GPU.
static double * block(double *p, std::size_t index, std::size_t size)
Definition elc.cpp:172
static FUNC_PREFIX double *RESTRICT int64_t const int64_t const int64_t const int64_t const int32_t indexVectorSize
static FUNC_PREFIX double *RESTRICT int64_t const int64_t const int64_t const _stride_pdfs_2
static FUNC_PREFIX __launch_bounds__(256) void dynamicubbdoubleprecisioncuda_boundary_DynamicUBBDoublePrecisionCUDA(uint8_t *RESTRICT const _data_indexVector
static FUNC_PREFIX double *RESTRICT int64_t const int64_t const int64_t const int64_t const _stride_pdfs_3
\file PackInfoPdfDoublePrecision.cpp \author pystencils