Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NstdSTL namespace
 Nwalberla\file PackInfoPdfDoublePrecision.cpp \author pystencils
 CAdaptSolverLock an actor and modify its parameters
 CAngleCosineBondParameters for three-body angular potential (cosine)
 CAngleCossquareBondParameters for three-body angular potential (cossquare)
 CAngleHarmonicBondParameters for three-body angular potential (harmonic)
 CAtomDecompositionAtom decomposition cell system
 CBMHTF_ParametersBMHTF NaCl potential
 CBondCutoffVisitor to get the bond cutoff from the bond parameter variant
 CBondedCoulombParameters for Coulomb bond Potential
 CBondedCoulombSRParameters for Coulomb bond short-range Potential
 CBondedInteractionsMapContainer for bonded interactions
 CBondInvalidSizeErrorException indicating that a bond with an unexpected number of partners was encountered
 CBondListBond storage
 CBondNumPartnersVisitor to get the number of bound partners from the bond parameter variant
 CBondResolutionErrorException indicating that a particle id could not be resolved
 CBondUnknownTypeErrorException indicating that a bond type was unknown
 CBondViewImmutable view on a bond
 CBrownianThermostatThermostat for Brownian dynamics
 CBuckingham_ParametersBuckingham potential
 CCellStructureDescribes a cell structure / cell system
 CCommBufClass that stores marshalled data for ghost communications
 CCompareDevicesHelper class for device sets
 CCoulombMMM1DParameters for the MMM1D electrostatic interaction
 CCoulombP3MP3M solver
 Ccuda_fatal_errorFatal CUDA exception
 Ccuda_runtime_errorWrapper for CUDA runtime exceptions
 CCudaHostAllocatorAllocator that uses CUDA to allocate CPU memory
 CDebyeHueckelDebye-Hückel parameters
 CDecayTupleResultDecay a tuple of only 1 type to that type
 CDecayTupleResult< F >
 CDihedralBondParameters for four-body angular potential (dihedral-angle potentials)
 CDipolarDirectSumDipolar all with all and no replica
 CDipolarLayerCorrectionAdapt a magnetostatics solver to remove contributions from the z-direction
 CDipolarP3MDipolar P3M solver
 CDistanceDistance vector and length handed to pair kernels
 Cdlc_dataParameters for the DLC method
 CDPDParametersDPD potential
 CDPDThermostatThermostat for dissipative particle dynamics
 CEKinWalberlaBaseInterface of a lattice-based electrokinetic model
 CEKWalberlaNodeStateCheckpoint data for a EK node
 Celc_dataParameters for the ELC method
 CEspressoGpuDeviceStruct to hold information relevant to ESPResSo about GPUs
 Cfe_trapFloating-point exception trap
 CFeneBondParameters for FENE bond Potential
 CFFTBackendAPI for the FFT backend of the P3M algorithm
 CFFTBackendLegacyHistoric FFT backend based on FFTW3
 CFFTBuffersAPI for the FFT mesh buffers
 CFFTBuffersLegacyBuffers for FFTBackendLegacy
 CGatherParticleTraitsGather particle properties (or any derived quantities) on MPI rank 0
 CGaussian_ParametersGaussian potential
 CGayBerne_ParametersGay-Berne potential
 CGetActorByTypeGet an actor of a specific type, recursively
 CGhostCommunicatorProperties for a ghost communication
 CGpuParticleDataParticle data communication manager for the GPU
 CHarmonicBondParameters for harmonic bond Potential
 CHasActorOfTypeCheck if an actor of a specific type is active, recursively
 CHat_ParametersHat potential
 CHertzian_ParametersHertzian potential
 CHybridDecompositionHybrid decomposition cell system
 CIA_parametersParameters for non-bonded interactions
 CIBMTribendParameters for IBM tribend
 CIBMTrielParameters for IBM elastic triangle (triel)
 CIBMVolConsParameters for IBM volume conservation bond
 Cicc_dataICC data structure
 CInterpolationWeightsInterpolation weights for one point
 CIsotropicNptThermostatThermostat for isotropic NPT dynamics
 CLangevinThermostatThermostat for Langevin dynamics
 CLatticeModelAbstract representation of a lattice-based model
 CLatticeWalberlaClass that runs and controls the BlockForest in waLBerla
 CLBThermostatThermostat for lattice-Boltzmann particle coupling
 CLBWalberlaBaseInterface of a lattice-based fluid model
 CLBWalberlaNodeStateCheckpoint data for a LB node
 CLeesEdwardsPackPack Lees-Edwards parameters for LB
 CLJ_ParametersLennard-Jones with shift
 CLJcos2_ParametersLennard-Jones with a different Cos potential
 CLJcos_ParametersLennard-Jones+Cos potential
 CLJGen_ParametersGeneric Lennard-Jones with shift
 CMorse_ParametersMorse potential
 CNoneBondInteraction type for unused bonded interaction slots
 CNptIsoParametersParameters of the isotropic NpT-integration scheme
 CObservable_statObservable for the pressure and energy
 COifGlobalForcesBondParameters for OIF global forces
 COifLocalForcesBondParameters for OIF local forces
 Cp3m_data_structBase class for the electrostatics and magnetostatics P3M algorithms
 Cp3m_interpolation_cacheCache for interpolation weights
 Cp3m_send_meshP3M halo communicator
 CP3MFFTMeshLocal mesh FFT buffers
 CP3MLocalMeshProperties of the local mesh
 CP3MParametersStructure to hold P3M parameters and some dependent variables
 CPartCfgParticle cache on the head node
 CParticleStruct holding all information for one particle
 CParticleDecompositionA distributed particle decomposition
 CParticleForceForce information on a particle
 CParticleLocalInformation on a particle that is needed only on the node the particle belongs to
 CParticleMomentumMomentum information on a particle
 CParticleParametersSwimmingProperties of a self-propelled particle
 CParticlePositionPositional information on a particle
 CParticlePropertiesProperties of a particle which are not supposed to change during the integration, but have to be known for all ghosts
 CParticleRangeA range of particles
 CPosMomPosition and dipole moment of one particle
 CQuarticBondParameters for quartic bond Potential
 CReactionFieldReaction Field parameters
 CRegularDecompositionRegular decomposition cell system
 CResourceCleanupQueue to deallocate resources before normal program termination
 CResourceManagerManager to control the lifetime of shared resources
 CRigidBondParameters for the rigid_bond/SHAKE/RATTLE ALGORITHM
 CScafacosContextBasePublic interface to the ScaFaCoS context
 CSCCacheStructure for caching sin and cos values
 CSerializationSizeCalculatorPseudo-archive to calculate the size of the serialization buffer
 CSignalHandlerRAII guard for signal handling
 CSmoothStep_ParametersSmooth step potential
 CSoftSphere_ParametersSoft-sphere potential
 CSteepestDescentParametersParameters for the steepest descent algorithm
 CStokesianThermostatThermostat for Stokesian dynamics
 CTabulatedAngleBondParameters for 3-body tabulated potential
 CTabulatedBondBase class for n-body tabulated potential (n=2,3,4)
 CTabulatedDihedralBondParameters for 4-body tabulated potential
 CTabulatedDistanceBondParameters for 2-body tabulated potential
 CTabulatedPotentialEvaluate forces and energies using a custom potential profile
 CThermalizedBondParameters for Thermalized bond
 CThermalizedBondThermostatThermostat for thermalized bonds
 CThole_ParametersThole potential
 CTuningAlgorithmTuning algorithm for P3M
 CVerletCriterionReturns true if the particles are to be considered for short range interactions
 CVirtualBondInteraction type for virtual bonds
 CVTKHandleHandle to a VTK object
 CWCA_ParametersWCA potential