30#include "thermostat.hpp"
45template <std::
size_t step>
49 static_assert(step == 1 or step == 2,
"NPT only has 2 integration steps");
50 constexpr auto const salt =
69 Random::noise_uniform<RNGSalt::NPTISOV, 1>(
Vector implementation and trait types for boost qvm interoperability.
This file contains the defaults for ESPResSo.
Utils::Vector3d friction_therm0_nptiso(IsotropicNptThermostat const &npt_iso, Utils::Vector3d const &vel, int p_identity)
Add velocity-dependent noise and friction for NpT-sims to the particle's velocity.
double friction_thermV_nptiso(IsotropicNptThermostat const &npt_iso, double p_diff)
Add p_diff-dependent noise and friction for NpT-sims to NptIsoParameters::p_diff.
Random number generation using Philox.
uint64_t rng_counter() const
Get current value of the RNG.
uint32_t rng_seed() const
Thermostat for isotropic NPT dynamics.
double pref_rescale_V
Volume rescaling at half the time step.
double pref_rescale_0
Particle velocity rescaling at half the time step.
double pref_noise_0
Particle velocity rescaling noise standard deviation.
double pref_noise_V
Volume rescaling noise standard deviation.