Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems
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core Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for core:




 This file contains functions for the cell system.
 This file contains everything related to the global cell structure / cell system.
 This file contains the asynchronous MPI communication.
 Implementation of dpd.hpp.
 Routines to use DPD as thermostat or pair force [41].
 Energy calculation.
 Implementation of errorhandling.hpp.
 This file contains the errorhandling code for severe errors, like a broken bond or illegal parameter combinations.
 Force calculation.
 Force calculation.
 Force calculation.
 Ghost particles and particle exchange.
 Ghost particles and particle exchange.
 Molecular dynamics integrator.
 Molecular dynamics integrator.
 Communication::MpiCallbacks manages MPI communication using a visitor pattern.
 Exports for the NpT code.
 Particles creation and deletion.
 This file contains everything needed to create a start-up configuration of (possibly charged) polymer chains with counterions and salt molecules, assigning velocities to the particles and cross-linking the polymers if necessary.
 This file contains everything needed to create a start-up configuration of polymer chains which may respect already existing particles and/or constraints.
 Random number generation using Philox.
 RATTLE algorithm ([4]).
 Molecular dynamics integrator for rotational motion.
 This file contains all subroutines required to process rotational motion.
 Implementation of thermostat.hpp.
 Implementation in thermostat.cpp.