Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CUtils::AccumulatorData< T >
 CUtils::AccumulatorData< double >
 CAdaptSolverLock an actor and modify its parameters
 CFieldCoupling::Fields::AffineMap< T, codim >Affine transform of a vector field
 Cfft::allocator< FloatType >Aligned allocator for FFT data
 CAngleCosineBondParameters for three-body angular potential (cosine)
 CAngleCossquareBondParameters for three-body angular potential (cossquare)
 CAngleHarmonicBondParameters for three-body angular potential (harmonic)
 CUtils::Array< T, N >
 CUtils::Array< double, 4 >
 CUtils::Array< double, cao >
 CUtils::Array< int, 6 >
 CUtils::Array< int, N >
 CUtils::Array< T, 4 >
 CUtils::Array< T, Cols *Rows >
 Canonymous_namespace{p3m.cpp}::AssignCharge< cao >
 Canonymous_namespace{dp3m.cpp}::AssignDipole< cao >
 Canonymous_namespace{dp3m.cpp}::AssignForces< cao >
 CAssignForces< cao >
 Canonymous_namespace{dp3m.cpp}::AssignTorques< cao >
 CResourceCleanup::Attorney< deallocator >Attorney for a resource deallocator
 CScriptInterface::AutoParameterDescription and getter/setter for a parameter
 CParticleObservables::Average< ValueOp >
 CUtils::Bag< T >Bag of elements
 CUtils::Bag< Particle >
 CFieldCoupling::detail::Base< Coupling, Field >
 CUtils::detail::BasicMemcpyArchive< MemcpyIArchive >
 CUtils::detail::BasicMemcpyArchive< MemcpyOArchive >
 CBMHTF_ParametersBMHTF NaCl potential
 CBondedCoulombParameters for Coulomb bond Potential
 CBondedCoulombSRParameters for Coulomb bond short-range Potential
 CBondListBond storage
 CBondViewImmutable view on a bond
 Cwalberla::BoundaryHandling< T, BoundaryClass >Boundary class optimized for sparse data
 CBuckingham_ParametersBuckingham potential
 CUtils::Cache< Key, Value >
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacks::CallbackHandle< Args >RAII handle for a callback
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacks::CallbackHandle< ObjectId >
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacks::CallbackHandle< ObjectId, const std::string &, const PackedMap & >
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacks::CallbackHandle< ObjectId, const std::string &, const PackedVariant & >
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacks::CallbackHandle< ObjectId, std::string const &, PackedMap const & >
 CUtils::Mpi::CartInfo< dim >Information about a cartesian communicator
 CScriptInterface::walberla::CheckpointFileHandle for a checkpoint file
 CClusterAnalysis::ClusterRepresents a single cluster of particles
 CClusterAnalysis::ClusterStructureHolds the result and parameters of a cluster analysis
 CCommBufClass that stores marshalled data for ghost communications
 CCompareDevicesHelper class for device sets
 CFieldCoupling::Fields::Constant< T, codim >A vector field that is constant in space
 CScriptInterface::ContextManagerManage object contexts
 CUtils::Counter< T >
 CUtils::Counter< uint64_t >
 CLB::CouplingBookkeepingKeep track of ghost particles that have already been coupled once
 Ccuda_fatal_errorFatal CUDA exception
 CCudaHostAllocator< T >Allocator that uses CUDA to allocate CPU memory
 CUtils::CylindricalTransformationParametersA class to hold and validate parameters for a cylindrical coordinate transformations
 CUtils::decay_to_scalar< T >Meta function to turns a Vector<1, T> into T
 CUtils::decay_to_scalar< Utils::Vector< T, codim > >
 CUtils::decay_to_scalar< Vector< T, 1 > >
 CUtils::decay_to_scalar< Vector< T, N > >
 CDecayTupleResult< F >Decay a tuple of only 1 type to that type
 CDecayTupleResult< F >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_mat2< Utils::Matrix< T, 3, 3 >, Utils::Matrix< U, 3, 3 >, 3, 3 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_quat2< Utils::Quaternion< T >, Utils::Quaternion< U > >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_quat< Utils::Quaternion< T > >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_scalar< Utils::Quaternion< T >, Utils::Quaternion< U > >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_scalar< Utils::Quaternion< T >, Utils::Vector< U, N > >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec2< Utils::Matrix< T, 2, 2 >, Utils::Vector< U, 2 >, 2 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec2< Utils::Matrix< T, 2, 3 >, Utils::Vector< U, 3 >, 2 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec2< Utils::Matrix< T, 3, 3 >, Utils::Vector< U, 3 >, 3 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec2< Utils::Matrix< T, 4, 4 >, Utils::Vector< U, 4 >, 4 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec2< Utils::Quaternion< T >, Utils::Vector< U, 3 >, 3 >
 Cboost::qvm::deduce_vec< Utils::Vector< T, 3 >, 3 >
 CDihedralBondParameters for four-body angular potential (dihedral-angle potentials)
 CDistanceDistance vector and length handed to pair kernels
 Cdlc_dataParameters for the DLC method
 CDPDParametersDPD potential
 CEKContainer< EKSpecies >
 CEK::EKReactions< EKReaction >
 CEKReactions< Base >
 CEKWalberlaNodeStateCheckpoint data for a EK node
 Celc_dataParameters for the ELC method
 CEspressoGpuDeviceStruct to hold information relevant to ESPResSo about GPUs
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CUtils::Factory< T >Factory template
 CUtils::Factory< ScriptInterface::ObjectHandle >
 Cfe_trapFloating-point exception trap
 CFeneBondParameters for FENE bond Potential
 Cfft::fft_data_struct< FloatType >Information about the three one dimensional FFTs and how the nodes have to communicate inbetween
 Cfft::fft_plan< FloatType >
 CFFTBackend< FloatType >API for the FFT backend of the P3M algorithm
 CFFTBuffers< FloatType >API for the FFT mesh buffers
 Cfft::fftw< FloatType >
 Cfft::fftw< float >
 Cwalberla::LBWalberlaImpl< FloatType, Architecture >::FieldTrait< FT, AT >
 CWriter::H5md::FileClass for writing H5MD files
 CGatherParticleTraits< T >Gather particle properties (or any derived quantities) on MPI rank 0
 CGatherParticleTraits< double >
 CGatherParticleTraits< Utils::Vector3d >
 CGaussian_ParametersGaussian potential
 CGayBerne_ParametersGay-Berne potential
 CGetActorByType< Actor >Get an actor of a specific type, recursively
 Cwalberla::LBWalberlaImpl< FloatType, Architecture >::GhostComm
 CGhostCommunicatorProperties for a ghost communication
 CGpuParticleData::GpuEnergyEnergies that are retrieved from the GPU
 CGpuParticleData::GpuParticleSubset of Particle which is copied to the GPU
 CHarmonicBondParameters for harmonic bond Potential
 CHasActorOfType< Actor >Check if an actor of a specific type is active, recursively
 Cboost::hash< BondBreakage::DeleteAllBonds >
 Cboost::hash< BondBreakage::DeleteAngleBond >
 Cboost::hash< BondBreakage::DeleteBond >
 CHat_ParametersHat potential
 CHertzian_ParametersHertzian potential
 CUtils::Histogram< T, N, M, U >Histogram in Cartesian coordinates
 CUtils::Histogram< T, N, 3, double >
 CIA_parametersParameters for non-bonded interactions
 CIBMTribendParameters for IBM tribend
 CIBMTrielParameters for IBM elastic triangle (triel)
 CIBMVolConsParameters for IBM volume conservation bond
 Cicc_dataICC data structure
 Cwalberla::InterpolateAndShiftAtBoundary< FieldType, FloatType >Lees-Edwards sweep
 Cwalberla::InterpolateAndShiftAtBoundary< _PdfField, FloatType >
 Cwalberla::InterpolateAndShiftAtBoundary< _VectorField, FloatType >
 CFieldCoupling::Fields::Interpolated< T, codim >A vector or scalar field interpolated from a regular grid
 CInterpolationWeights< cao >Interpolation weights for one point
 Cboost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< T >
 CLatticeModelAbstract representation of a lattice-based model
 CLatticeWalberlaClass that runs and controls the BlockForest in waLBerla
 CLBWalberlaNodeStateCheckpoint data for a LB node
 CSystem::Leaf< Class >Abstract class that represents a component of the system
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< Class > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< CoulombMMM1D > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< CoulombP3M > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< CoulombScafacos > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DebyeHueckel > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DipolarDirectSum > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DipolarDirectSumGpu > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DipolarLayerCorrection > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DipolarP3M > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< DipolarScafacos > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< ElectrostaticLayerCorrection > >
 CSystem::Leaf< Actor< ReactionField > >
 CSystem::Leaf< AutoUpdateAccumulators >
 CSystem::Leaf< BondedInteractionsMap >
 CSystem::Leaf< CellStructure >
 CSystem::Leaf< CollisionDetection >
 CSystem::Leaf< Constraints >
 CSystem::Leaf< GpuParticleData >
 CSystem::Leaf< ICCStar >
 CSystem::Leaf< ImmersedBoundaries >
 CSystem::Leaf< InteractionsNonBonded >
 CSystem::Leaf< LeesEdwards >
 CSystem::Leaf< OifGlobal >
 CSystem::Leaf< Solver >
 CSystem::Leaf< Thermostat >
 CScriptInterface::System::System::LeavesContainer for leaves of the system class
 CLeesEdwardsPackPack Lees-Edwards parameters for LB
 CLeesEdwards::LinearShearLees-Edwards protocol for linear shearing
 CLJ_ParametersLennard-Jones with shift
 CLJcos2_ParametersLennard-Jones with a different Cos potential
 CLJcos_ParametersLennard-Jones+Cos potential
 CLJGen_ParametersGeneric Lennard-Jones with shift
 CParticleObservables::Map< ValueOp >
 Cboost::qvm::mat_traits< Utils::Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > >
 CUtils::Matrix< T, Rows, Cols >Matrix representation with static size
 CMorse_ParametersMorse potential
 CCommunication::MpiCallbacksThe interface of the MPI callback mechanism
 CNeighbors< CellRef >
 CNeighbors< Cell * >
 CScriptInterface::NoneType to indicate no value in Variant
 CNoneBondInteraction type for unused bonded interaction slots
 CNptIsoParametersParameters of the isotropic NpT-integration scheme
 CUtils::NumeratedContainer< T, index_type >Container for objects that are identified by a numeric id
 CScriptInterface::ObjectHandleBase class for interface handles
 CScriptInterface::ObjectStateState of an object ready for serialization
 CObservables::ObservableBase class for observables
 CObservable_statObservable for the pressure and energy
 CLeesEdwards::OffLees-Edwards protocol for un-altered periodic boundary conditions
 COifGlobalForcesBondParameters for OIF global forces
 COifLocalForcesBondParameters for OIF local forces
 CLeesEdwards::OscillatoryShearLees-Edwards protocol for oscillatory shearing
 Cp3m_data_struct< FloatType >Base class for the electrostatics and magnetostatics P3M algorithms
 Cp3m_interpolation_cacheCache for interpolation weights
 Cp3m_send_mesh< FloatType >P3M halo communicator
 CP3MFFTMesh< FloatType >Local mesh FFT buffers
 CP3MLocalMeshProperties of the local mesh
 CP3MParametersStructure to hold P3M parameters and some dependent variables
 CPairCriteria::PairCriterionCriterion which returns a true/false value for a pair of particles
 CScriptInterface::ParallelExceptionHandlerHandle exceptions thrown in MPI parallel code
 CPartCfgParticle cache on the head node
 CParticleStruct holding all information for one particle
 CParticleDecompositionA distributed particle decomposition
 CParticleForceForce information on a particle
 CParticleLocalInformation on a particle that is needed only on the node the particle belongs to
 CParticleMomentumMomentum information on a particle
 CParticleParametersSwimmingProperties of a self-propelled particle
 CParticlePositionPositional information on a particle
 CParticlePropertiesProperties of a particle which are not supposed to change during the integration, but have to be known for all ghosts
 CFieldCoupling::Fields::PlaneWave< T, codim >A plane wave
 CPosMomPosition and dipole moment of one particle
 CGpuParticleData::propParticle properties that need to be communicated to the GPU
 CPropagationPredicate< Predicate >
 CQuarticBondParameters for quartic bond Potential
 Cboost::qvm::quat_traits< Utils::Quaternion< T > >
 CUtils::Quaternion< T >Quaternion representation
 CUtils::Quaternion< double >
 CReactionMethods::ReactionAlgorithmBase class for reaction ensemble methods
 CCommunication::RegisterCallbackHelper class to add callbacks before main
 Cwalberla::ResetForce< PdfField, ForceField >Sweep that swaps force_to_be_applied and last_applied_force and resets force_to_be_applied to the global external force
 Cwalberla::ResetForce< PdfField, VectorField >
 CResourceCleanupQueue to deallocate resources before normal program termination
 CResourceManagerManager to control the lifetime of shared resources
 CRigidBondParameters for the rigid_bond/SHAKE/RATTLE ALGORITHM
 CUtils::Statistics::RunningAverage< Scalar >Keep running average and variance
 CErrorHandling::RuntimeErrorA runtime error
 CErrorHandling::RuntimeErrorStreamCreate a runtime error message via the streaming operator
 CScafacos::ScafacosAbstraction of a method from the ScaFaCoS library
 CScafacosContextBasePublic interface to the ScaFaCoS context
 CSCCacheStructure for caching sin and cos values
 CSerializationSizeCalculatorPseudo-archive to calculate the size of the serialization buffer
 CLeesEdwards::ShearVelocityGetterVisitor to get shear velocity from the Lees-Edwards protocol
 CSignalHandlerRAII guard for signal handling
 CSmoothStep_ParametersSmooth step potential
 CSoftSphere_ParametersSoft-sphere potential
 CWriter::H5md::SpecificationLayout information for H5MD files
 CSteepestDescentParametersParameters for the steepest descent algorithm
 CGpuParticleData::StorageHost and device containers for particle data
 CParticleObservables::Sum< ValueOp >
 CTabulatedBondBase class for n-body tabulated potential (n=2,3,4)
 CTabulatedPotentialEvaluate forces and energies using a custom potential profile
 CThermalizedBondParameters for Thermalized bond
 CThole_ParametersThole potential
 CParticleObservables::traits< DoF >
 CParticleObservables::traits< Particle >Template specialization for Particle
 CTuningAlgorithmTuning algorithm for P3M
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, Utils::Array< T, N > >
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, Utils::Vector< T, N > >
 Canonymous_namespace{CellStructure.cpp}::UpdateParticleIndexVisitorApply a ParticleChange to a particle index
 Cboost::qvm::vec_traits<::Utils::Vector< T, N > >
 CVerletCriterion< CutoffGetter >Returns true if the particles are to be considered for short range interactions
 CVirtualBondInteraction type for virtual bonds
 CParticleProperties::VirtualSitesRelativeParametersThe following properties define, with respect to which real particle a virtual site is placed and at what distance
 CVTKHandleHandle to a VTK object
 CWCA_ParametersWCA potential
 CParticleObservables::WeightedAverage< ValueOp, WeightOp >
 CParticleObservables::WeightedSum< ValueOp, WeightOp >